National Water Quality Assessment Program: Eastern Iowa Basins

Data and results of work as part of the Eastern Iowa Basins (EIWA) NAWQA study are available in an extensive set of reports, factsheets, and published abstracts of presentations at conferrences and sympoiums. Other reports that were prepared with the assistance of EIWA personnel or prepared using data from the EIWA study are also listed below.

Table of Contents

Published reports and articles - U.S. Geological Survey reports and journal articles

Factsheets - U.S. Geological Survey Factsheets

Published Abstracts - Published abstracts of presentations at symposiums and meetings

Other reports - Reports by non-EIWA study unit authors that include data collected in the EIWA study unit. Data generally were collected or assistance was provided by personnel from the EIWA study unit.

Other NAWQA Reports - Link to more than 1,500  U.S. Geological Survey NAWQA reports describing how water quality conditions vary locally, regionally, and nationally; whether conditions are getting better or worse over time; and how natural features and human activities affect these conditions.


For printed copies of the following reports contact:

              Project Chief
              Eastern Iowa Basins
              U.S. Geological Survey
              PO Box 1230
              Iowa City, IA 52244
              Phone: (319) 337-4191
              Fax: (319) 358-3606
              email: Iowa NAWQA Project Chief

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Water-quality assessment of the Eastern Iowa Basins: Selected pesticides and pesticide degradates in steams, 1996-98: by Schnoebelen, D.J., Kalkhoff, S.J., Becher, K.D., and Thurman, E.M., 2003, U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 03-4075, 62 p. [Abstract and pdf version; 8.1 MB]

Herbicides and Herbicide Degradation Products in Upper Midwest Agricultural Streams during August Base-Flow Conditions: by Kalkhoff, S.J.,  Lee, K.E., Porter, S.D., Terrio, P.J., and Thurman, E.M., 2003, Journal of Environmental Quality, vol. 32 pp. 1025-1035 [Abstract]   [ html report]

Water-quality assessment of the Eastern Iowa Basins--Nitrogen, phosphorus, suspended sediment, and organic carbon in surface water, 1996-98: by Becher, K.D., Kalkhoff, S.J., Schnoebelen, D.J., Barnes, K.K., and Miller, V.E., 2001, U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 01-4175, 56 p. [Abstract and pdf version; 1.6 MB]

Water quality in the eastern Iowa basins: by Kalkhoff, S.J., Barnes, K.K., Becher, K.D., Savoca, M.E., Schnoebelen, D.J., Sadorf, E.M., Porter, S.D., and Sullivan, D.J., and Creswell, John, 2001,University of Iowa Integrated Crop Management Newsletter, IC-486(23) - Oct 22, 2001, pp. 185-186. [html version: 6.6 KB]

Benthic invertebrate assemblages and their relation to physical and chemical characteristics of streams in the Eastern Iowa Basins, 1996-98: by Brigham, A.R. and Sadorf, E.M., 2001, U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 00-4256, 44 p. [Abstract and pdf version; 1.2 MB]

Water quality in the Eastern Iowa Basins, Iowa and Minnesota, 1996-98: by Kalkhoff, S.J., Barnes, K.K., Becher, K.D., Savoca, M.E., Schnoebelen, D.J., Sadorf, E.M., Porter, S.D., and Sullivan, D.J., 2001, U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1210, 37 p. [html and PDF versions]

Influence of natural factors on the quality of Midwestern streams and rivers: by Porter, S.D., Harris, M.A., and Kalkhoff, S.J., 2001, U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 00-4288, 13 p. [Abstract] [pdf version] [html version]

Fish Communities and their relation to environmental factors in the Eastern Iowa Basins in Iowa and Minnesota, 1996 : by Sullivan, D.J., 2000,  U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 00-4194, 20 p. [Abstract and pdf version; 1.2MB]

Summary of the major water-quality findings from the Eastern Iowa Basins study unit of the National Water-Quality Assessment Program: by Kalkhoff, S.J., 2000, Iowa Groundwater Quarterly, vol. 11, no. 3, Fall 2000, pp. 20-21. [html version]

Ground-water quality in Alluvial Aquifers in the Eastern Iowa Basins, Iowa and Minnesota:  by Sadorf, E.M, and Linart, S.M., 2000, U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 00-4106 46 p. [html and pdf version; 4.0 MB]

Water-quality assessment of the Eastern Iowa Basins: Hydrologic and biologic data, October 1996 through September 1998:  by Akers, K.K.B, Montgomery, D.L., Christiansen, D.E., Savoca, M.E., Schnoebelen, D.J., Becher, K.D., and Sadorf, E.M., 2000, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 00-67, 359 p. [Abstract and pdf version]

Nutrients discharged to the Mississippi River from Eastern Iowa Watersheds, 1996-1997: by Becher, K.D., Schnoebelen, D.J., and Akers, K.K.B., 2000,  Journal of the American Water Resources Association, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 161-173 [Abstract]

Effects of landuse and hydrogeology on the water quality of alluvial aquifers in Eastern Iowa and Southern Minnesota, 1997: by Savoca, M.E., Sadorf, E.M., Linhart, S.M., and Akers, K.K.B., 2000, U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 99-4246, 38 p. [Abstract and pdf version; 2.3 MB]

Selected nutrients and pesticides in streams of the Eastern Iowa Basins1970-95: by Schnoebelen, D.J., Becher, K.D., Bobier, M.W., and Wilton, T., 1999, U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 99-4028, 65 p. [Abstract and pdf version; 1.6MB]

Water quality and habitat conditions in upper midwest streams relative to riparian vegetation and soil characteristics, August 1997: Study design, methods, and data: by Sorenson, S.K., Porter, S.D., Akers, K.K.B., Harris, M.A., Kalkhoff, S.J., Lee, K.E., Roberts, L.R., and Terrio, P.J., 1999, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 99-202, 53 p. [Abstract and pdf version; 5.6 MB]

Water quality assessment of the Eastern Iowa Basins: Hydrologic and biologic data, September 1995 through September 1996: by Akers, K.K.B, Schnoebelen, D.J., Savoca, M.E., Roberts, L.R., and Becher, K.D., 1999, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 99-66, 154 p. [Abstract and pdf version; 19 MB]

Ground-water quality in the Eastern Part of the Silurian-Devonian and Upper Carbonate Aquifers in the Eastern Iowa Basins, Iowa and Minnesota, 1996: by Savoca, M.E., Sadorf, E.M., Akers, K.K., 1999, .S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 98-4224, 31 p. [Abstract and pdf version; 2.1 MB]

Degradation of chloracetanilide herbicides: The prevalence of sulfonic and oxanilic acid metabolites in Iowa ground and surface waters: by Kalkhoff, S.J., Kolpin, D.W., and Thurman, E.M., 1998, Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, vol. 32, no. 11, pp. 1738-1740. [Abstract]

Occurrence of selected herbicides and herbicide degradation products in Iowa's groundwater, 1995: by Kolpin, D.W., Kalkhoff, S.J., Goolsby, D.A., Sneck-Fahrer, D.A., and Thurman, E.M., 1997, Groundwater vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 679-688. [Abstract]

Temporal trends of selected agricultural chemicals in Iowa's groundwater, 1982-95: Are things getting better: by Kolpin, D.W., Sneck-Fahrer, D.A., Hallberg, G.R. and Libra, R.D., 1997, Journal of Environmental Quality: vol. 26 pp. 1007-1017. [Abstract]

National Water- Quality Assessment Program--Eastern Iowa Basins : by Kalkhoff S.J., 1996, reprint of Kalkhoff, S.J., 1994, U.S. Geological Survey fact sheet FS 94-031, 1 sheet in Iowa Groundwater Quarterly, vol. 7 no.3, p 15-16.



Click on the title to see an HTML version of the factsheet.

South Fork Iowa River watershed selected for a national water-quality study, 2005, U.S.Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2005-3064; 2 p.

Occurrence of selected organochlorine compounds in fish tissue from Eastern Iowa Streams, 1995: by Roberts, L.R., 1997, U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS-027-97, 4 p.

Herbicides and Nitrates in the Iowa river Alluvial Aquifer Prior to Changing Land Use, Iowa County, Iowa, 1996, by Savoca, M.E., Tobias, J.L., Sadorf, E.M., and Birkenholtz, T.L., 1997: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS-085-97, 4p.

Organochlorine compounds in a sediment core from Coralville Reservoir, Iowa: by Kalkhoff, S.J., and Van Metre, P.C., 1997, U.S. Geological Survey Factsheet FS-129-97, 4p.



Click on the title to see an HTML version of the abstract.

Pesticides in air in the Mississippi River Valley: A comparison between 1995 and 2007, by Foreman, W.T., Capel, P.D., Majewski, M.S., Kalkhoff, S.J., Coupe, R.H., ReVello, R.C. 2011, abstracts of Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry North America 32nd Annual Meeting , November 13-17, 2011, Boston,MA, poster no. TP144. [abstract]

Pesticides in rain in the Mississippi River Valley: A comparison between 1995 and 2007, by Majeski, M.S., Kalkhoff, S.J., Coupe, R.H., Capel, P.D., Foreman, W.T., 2011,  abstracts of Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry North America 32nd Annual Meeting , November 13-17, 2011, Boston, MA, paper no. 444. [abstract]

Comparison of the occurrence and deposition of glyphosate and conventional herbicides in two agricultural areas, by Capel, P.D., Chang, F., Simcek, M.F., Majewski, M.S., Foreman, W.T., Kalkhoff, S.J., Coupe, R.H. 2011, abstracts of Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry North America 32nd Annual Meeting , November 13-17, 2011, Boston, MA, paper no. 445. [abstract]

Changing Stream Water Quality During the Last Decade in Two Midwestern Agricultural Watersheds by Kalkhoff, S.J., Tomer, M., Garrett, J.D., Fallon, J.D., and Lampe, D.C, 2010, abstracts of the 2010 Iowa Deparment of Natural Resource Water Monitoring Conference [abstract].

Glyphosate in suspended sediment in streams from two agricultural areas of the United States by Sandstrom, M.W., Stroppel, M.E., Meyer, M.T., Rose, C.E., Coupe, R.H., and Kalkhoff, S.J., 2008, Program abstracts of The Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), 29th Annual Meeting in North America November 16-20, 2008, Tampa, Florida.

Agricultural Chemical Transport study, South Fork Iowa River: Overview of ground water and hyporheic zone investigations by Erik A. Smith, Program abstracts of the Iowa Academy of Sciences meeting, April 28, 2007, Pella, Iowa.

Water Quality Monitoring of the Cambrian-Ordovician Aquifer System in Iowa and Illinois, by Barnes, K. K., 2006, Program abstracts of the National Water Quality Monitoring Council meeting, May 7-11, 2006, San Jose, CA.

The occurrence of chloroacetanilide and triazine herbicide degradates in streams in eastern Iowa, by Kalkhoff, S.J., Schnoebelen, D.J., and Thurman, E.M., 2001, in Abstracts from the Proceedings of the Agriculture and the Environment: State and Federal Water Initiatives Conference: Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa March 5-7, 2001, pp. 25-26.

Occurrence, distribution, and transport of nutrients in Eastern Iowa Rivers, by Becher, K.D., 2001, in Abstracts from the Proceedings of the Agriculture and the Environment: State and Federal Water Initiatives Conference: Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa March 5-7, 2001, pp. 83-84.

Occurrence and distribution of pesticides in streams of the Eastern Iowa Basins, 1996-98, by Schnoebelen, D.J., Kalkhoff, S.J., and Becher, K.D., 2001, in Abstracts from the Proceedings of the Agriculture and the Environment: State and Federal Water Initiatives Conference: Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa March 5-7, 2001, pp. 85-86.

Quality of water in alluvial aquifers in eastern Iowa, by Savoca, M.E., Sadoarf, E.M., Linhart, S.M., and Barnes, K.K., 2001, in Abstracts from the Proceedings of the Agriculture and the Environment: State and Federal Water Initiatives Conference: Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa March 5-7, 2001, pp.87-88.

Water quality assessment of the Eastern Iowa Basins: Basic water chemistry of rivers and streams, 1996-98, by Barnes, K.K., 2001, in Abstracts from the Proceedings of the Agriculture and the Environment: State and Federal Water Initiatives Conference: Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa March 5-7, 2001, p. 111.

Major Ground-Water Findings from the National Water-Quality Assessment Program (NAWQA) in Iowa, by Kalkhoff, S.J., 2000, in Abstracts from the Iowa Groundwater Association Fall 2000 Meeting in Iowa Groundwater Quarterly, vol. 11, no. 4. p.31-32.

Occurrence of acetochlor and acetochlor metabolites in alluvial aquifers in Iowa, by Kalkhoff, S.J., Savoca, M.E., Sadorf, E.M., Kolpin, D.W., and Thurman, E.M., 1999, in Abstracts of papers Part 1, 218th ACS National Meeting: American Chemical Society, New Orleans, LA. August 22-26, 1999.

Occurrence and distribution of chloroacetanilide and triazine pesiticide metabolites in streams in eastern Iowa: by Kalkhoff, S.J. and Thurman, E.M., 1999. in Abstracts from the Seventh Symposium on the Chemistry and Fate of Modern Pesticides, Lawrence Kansas, Sept 14-16, 1999.

Comparison of water quality in four small watersheds containing animal feeding operations in Iowa, 1996-98 by Becher, K.D. and Akers, K.K.B., 1999, in Workshop Abstracts of conference Animal Feeding Operations: Effects on Hydrologic Resources and the Environment, Fort Collins, CO August 30-September 1, 1999. [Conference proceedings]

Herbicide loads in streams of eastern Iowa: The importance of herbicide metabolites in fate and transport: by Schnoebelen, D.J. and Kalkhoff, S.J., 1999,  in Geological Society of American Abstracts with Programs, v. 31, no. 7.

Nutrients, pesticides, and pesticide metabolites discharged to the Mississippi River from eastern Iowa watersheds, 1996-98: by Schnoebelen, D.J., and Becher, K.D., 1999, in Program abstracts of the Mississippi Water Resources Conference, April 7-8, 1999, Raymond, Miss.

Relation Between Stream Water-Quality and Selected Basin Characteristics in Eastern Akers, K.K, 1998, in Program abstract of the 110th Session of the Iowa Academy of Science meeting, April 25, 1998, Mason City, Iowa.

Water-Quality Differences Between Urban and Agricultural Areas of Alluvial Aquifers in Eastern Iowa and Part of Southern Minnesota, 1997. by Kalkhoff, S.J., and Savoca, M.E., 1998,  in Program abstract of the 110th Session of the Iowa Academy of Science meeting, April 25, 1998, Mason City, Iowa.

Relation between Selected Basin Characteristics, Chlorophyll A, and Nutrients in Eastern Iowa Agricultural Streams. by Roberts, L.R., 1998,  in Program abstract of the 110th Session of the Iowa Academy of Science meeting, April 25, 1998, Mason City, Iowa.

Effects of Soils, Riparian- Tree Density, and Hydrology on Water Chemistry and Algal-Nutrient Relations in Midwestern Agricultural Streams. by Porter, S., Roberts, L., Mitchell, H., Lee, K., and Sorenson, S., 1998,  in Program abstract in Proceedings of the Mississippi River Research Consortium volume 30, annual meeting, April 23-24, 1998, LaCrosse, Wisconsin.

Land use and shallow ground-water quality in eastern Iowa and southern Minnesota, 1997. by Savoca, M.E., 1998, in Program abstract of the 43rd Annual Midwest Ground Water Conference, October 12-14, 1998, Lawrence, Kansas.

Pesticides in shallow alluvial aquifers in agricultural and urban areas in eastern Iowa and southern Minnesota. by Sadorf, E.M., 1998, in Program abstract of the 43rd Annual Midwest Ground Water Conference, October 12-14, 1998, Lawrence, Kansas.

Organochlorine pesticides in a sediment core from Coralville Reservoir, Iowa. by Kalkhoff, S.J., VanMetre, P.C., and E. Callender, 1997, in Proceedings of the Geological Society of America North-Central Section meeting, May 1-2, 1997, Madison, Wisconsin.

Occurrence of selected organochlorine compounds in fish tissue from Eastern Iowa Basins. by Roberts, L.R., 1997, in Program abstract of the 109th Session of the Iowa Academy of Science meeting, April 27, 1997, Dubuque, Iowa.

Pesticides in ground-water of the Iowa River Corridor: an area of changing land use. by Sadorf, E.M., 1997, in Program abstract of the 109th Session of the Iowa Academy of Science meeting, April 27, 1997, Dubuque, Iowa.

Nutrient concentrations in the Iowa River alluvial aquifer, Iowa County, Iowa, 1996, by Tobias, J, 1997, in Program abstract of the 109th Session of the Iowa Academy of Science meeting, April 27, 1997, Dubuque, Iowa.

Persistence of selected organochlorine compounds in fish tissue in the upper Mississippi River Hydrologic System. by Roberts, L.R., Lee, K.E., Harris, M.A., and Porter, S.D., 1997, in Program abstract of the 45th Annual meeting of the North American Benthological Society, May 26-30, 1997, San Marcos, Texas.

Selected herbicides and herbicide metabolites in groundwater in Iowa, Summer 1995: by Kalkhoff, S.J., Kolpin, D.W., Sneck-Fahrer, D.A., and Goolsby, D.A., 1996, in Proceedings of the Geological Society of America North-Central Section meeting, May 2-3, 1996, Ames, Iowa.

Temporal trends of selected agricultural chemicals in Iowa's groundwater, 1982-95: by Sneck-Fahrer, D.A., Kolpin, D.W., Hallberg, G.R., and Libra, R.D., 1996, in Proceedings of the Geological Society of America North-Central Section meeting, May 2-3, 1996, Ames, Iowa.

Plan for water-quality assessment of the Eastern Iowa Basins, by Kalkhoff, S.J., 1994,  in Program abstract of the 106th Session of the Iowa Academy of Science meeting, April 23, 1994, Davenport, Iowa.


Reports by non-EIWA study unit authors that include data collected in the EIWA study unit. Data generally were collected or assistance was provided by personnel from the EIWA study unit. A number of reports are prepared by non-USGS scientists that used data collected as part of the EIWA project.

Scaling hyporheic exchange and its influence on biogeochemical reactions in aquatic ecosystems, 2008, by O'Connor, B. L., and J. W. Harvey: Water Resources Research, vol. 44, W12423, doi:10.1029/2008WR007160 [Abstract].

Efficacy of algal metrics for assessing nutrient and organic enrichment in flowing waters, 2008, Freshwater Biology, vol. 53, pp. 1036-1054. [Abstract].

Relative Toxicity and Occurrence Patterns of Pesticide Mixtures in Streams Draining Agricultural Watersheds Dominated by Corn and Soybean Production,2007, Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 90-100. [Abstract].

Reproductive and Endocrine Biomarkers in Largemouth Bass (Micropterus salmoides) and Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio) from United States Waters, 2007, by Goodbred, S.L., Smith, S.B., Greene, P.S., Rauschenberger, R.H., Bartish, T.M., U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 2006-227, 99 p.

Concentrated animal feeding operations, row crops, and their relationship to nitrate in Eastern Iowa rivers by Weldon, M.B., and Hornbuckle, K.C., 2006, Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, vol. 40, no. 10, pp. 3168-3173. [Abstract].

Herbicides and transformation products in surface waters of the midwestern United States by Battaglin, W.A., Thurman, E.M, Kalkhoff, S.J., and Porter, S.D., 2003,  Journal of the American Water Resources Association, vol. 39, no. 4, pages 743-756. [Abstract].

A regional atmospheric fate and transport model for atrazine. 2. Evaluation: by Cooter, E.J, Hutzell, W.T., Foreman, W.T., and Majewski, M.S., 2002, Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, vol. 36, no. 21, pages 4593-4599. [Abstract].

Biomonitoring of environmental status and trends (BEST) program: Environmental contaminants and their effects on fish in the Mississippi River Basin: by Schmitt, C.J. ed. 2002, U.S. Geological Survey Biological Science Report USGS/BRD/BSR--2002-0004, 241 p. [Adobe PDF version, 12 MB].

Concentration of selected sulfonylurea, sulfonamide, and imadazolinone herbicides, other pesticides, and nutrients in 71 streams, 5 reservoir outflows, and 25 wells in the Midwestern United States, 1998: by Battaglin, W.A., Furlong, E.T., and Burkhardt, M.R., 2001, U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resource Investigations Report 00-4225, 123 p. [Adobe PDF version, 1,400 KB].

Upper Midwest River Systems--Algal and nutrient conditions in streams and rivers in the upper Midwest region during seasonal low-flow conditions,by Porter, S.D., 2000, in: Appendix A of Nutrient Criteria Technical Guidance Manual, Rivers and Streams: Washington, DC, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water, Office of Science and Technology, EPA-822-B-00-002, p. A-25 - A-42.

Reconnaissance Survey of Sulfonamide, Sulfonylurea, and Imidazoline Herbicides in Surface Streams and Groundwater of the Midwestern United States by Steinheimer, T.R., Pfeiffer, R.L., Scoggin, K.D., and Battaglin, W.A., 2000, in Steinheimer, T.R., Ross, L.J., and Spittler, T.D., 2000, Agrochemical Fate and Movement Perspective and Scale of Study: American Chemical Society Symposium Series 751, pages 248-271.

Occurrence and distribution of microbiological indicators in groundwater and stream water: by Francy, D.S., Helsel, D.R., and Nally, R.A., 2000, Water Environment Research, vol. 72, no. 2, pp. 152-161.

The relationship of nitrate concentrations in streams to row crop land use in Iowa: by Schilling, K.E., and Libra, R.D., 2000, Journal of Environmental Quality, vol. 29, pp. 1846-1851.

Occurrence and transport of Acetochlor in streams of the Mississippi River Basin: by Clark, G.M., and Goolsby, D.A., 1999, Journal of Environmental Quality, vol. 28, pp. 1787-1795.

Occurrence of Sulfonylurea, Sulfonamide, Imidazolinone, and other herbicides in Midwestern rivers, reservoirs, and ground water, 1998 by Battaglin, W.A., Furlong, E.T., Burkhardt, M.R., and Peter, J.C., 1999, in U.S. Geological Survey Toxic Substances Hydrology Program--Proceedings of the Technical Meeting, Charlston, South Carolina, March 8-12, 1999: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resouces Investigations Report 99-4018B, Volume 2, pp. 215-225.

Pesticides in the atmosphere of the Mississippi River Valley, Part I--Rain by Majewski, M.S., Foreman, W.T., and Goolsby, D.A., 1999, in U.S. Geological Survey Toxic Substances Hydrology Program--Proceedings of the Technical Meeting, Charlston, South Carolina, March 8-12, 1999: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resouces Investigations Report 99-4018B, Volume 2,pp.255-261.

Pesticides in the atmosphere of the Mississippi River Valley, Part II-- Air by Foreman, W.T., Majewski, M.S., Goolsby, D.A., Wiebe, F.W., and Coupe, R.H., 1999, in U.S. Geological Survey Toxic Substances Hydrology Program--Proceedings of the Technical Meeting, Charlston, South Carolina, March 8-12, 1999: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resouces Investigations Report 99-4018B, Volume 2, pp. 263-274.

Biomonitoring of Environmental Status and Trends (BEST) program: Contaminants and related effects in fish from the Mississippi, Columbia, and Rio Grande Basins by Schmitt, C.J., Bartish, T.M., Blazer, V.S., Gross, T.S., Tillitt, D.E., Bryant, W.L., and DeWeese, L.R., 1999, in U.S. Geological Survey Toxic Substances Hydrology Program--Proceedings of the Technical Meeting, Charlston, South Carolina, March 8-12, 1999: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resouces Investigations Report 99-4018B, Volume 2, pp.437-446.

Historical Trends in Organochlorine Compounds in River Basins Identified Using Sediment Cores From Reservoirs: by Van Metre, P.C., Callender, E., and Fuller, C.C., 1997, Environmental Science and Technology, vol. 31, no. 8, pp. 2339-2344. [Sediment Coring Project].

Reservoir Sediment Cores Show U.S. Lead Declines: by Callender, E., and Van Metre, P.C., 1997, Environmental Science and Technology, vol. 31, no. 9, pp. 424A-428A. [Sediment Coring Project].

Similar rates of decrease of persistent, hydrophobic and particle-reactive contaminants in riverine systems: by Van Metre, P.C., Wilson, J.T., Callender, E., and Fuller, C.C., 1998, Environmental Science and Technology, vol. 32, no. 21, pp. 3312-3317. [Sediment Coring Project].

Agricultural Chemicals in Iowa's Ground Water, 1982-95 -- What Are the Trends?: by Kolpin, D.W., Hallberg, G.R., Sneck-Fahrer, D.A., and Libra, R.D., 1997, U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS-116-97, 4p.