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West Virginia Water Science Center

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West Virginia Water Science Center Publications

 Text about publications.... Locate, view, download, or order scientific and technical   articles and reports as well as general interest publications such as booklets, fact sheets, pamphlets, and posters resulting from the research performed by our scientists and partners.
OFR for WV
Open-File Reports
Cover Page of Open-File Report 2009-1199Open-File Report 2009-1199
Summary of West Virginia Water-Resource Data through September 2008 West Virginia
Cover Page of Open-File Report 2008-1304Open-File Report 2008-1304
Generalized Skew Coefficients of Annual Peak Flows for Rural, Unregulated Streams in West Virginia
Cover Page of Open-File Report 2008-1087Open-File Report 2008-1087
Basin Characteristics for Selected Streamflow-Gaging Stations In and Near West Virginia
Cover Page of Open-File Report 2007-1107Open-File Report 2007-1107
Presumptive Sources of Fecal Contamination in Four Tributaries to the New River Gorge National River, West Virginia, 2004
Cover Page of Open-File Report 2007-1358Open-File Report 2007-1358
Hydrogeology and Water Quality of the Leetown Area, West Virginia
Cover Page of Open-File Report 2007-1038Open-File Report 2007-1038
Water-Use Estimates for West Virginia, 2004
Cover Page of Open-File Report 2006-1393Open-File Report 2006-1393
A Reconnaissance for Emerging Contaminants in the South Branch Potomac River, Cacapon River, and Williams River Basins, West Virginia, April-October 2004
Cover Page of Open-File Report 2005-1407Open-File Report 2005-1407
Fracture Trace Map and Single-Well Aquifer Test Results in a Carbonate Aquifer in Jefferson County West Virginia
SIR for WV
Scientific Investigation Reports
Cover Page of Scientific Investigations Report 2012-5186Scientific Investigations Report 2012-5186
Groundwater Quality in West Virginia, 1993-2008
Cover Page of Scientific Investigations Report 2010-5185Scientific Investigations Report 2010-5185
Estimation of Selected Seasonal Streamflow Statistics Representatives of 1930-2002 in West Virginia
Cover Page of Scientific Investigations Report 2010-5033Scientific Investigations Report 2010-5033
Estimation of Flood-Frequency Discharges for Rural, Unregulated Streams in West Virginia
Cover Page of Scientific Investigations Report 2009-5242Scientific Investigations Report 2009-5242
Regional Curves for Bankfull Channel Characteristics in the Appalachian Plateaus, West Virginia
Cover Page of Scientific Investigations Report 2009-5153Scientific Investigations Report 2009-5153
Hydrogeology and Ground-Water Flow in the Opequon Creek Watershed area, Virginia and West Virginia
Cover Page of Scientific Investigations Report 2009-5145Scientific Investigations Report 2009-5145
Hydrogeologic Factors Affecting Base-Flow Yields in the Jefferson County Area, West Virginia, October-November 2007
Cover Page of Scientific Investigations Report 2008-5105Scientific Investigations Report 2008-5105
Estimating Selected Streamflow Statistics Representative of 1930-2002 in West Virginia
Cover Page of Scientific Investigations Report 2007-5066Scientific Investigations Report 2007-5066
Hydrogeologic Setting and Ground-Water Flow in the Leetown Area, West Virginia
Cover Page of Scientific Investigations Report 2006-5221Scientific Investigations Report 2006-5221
Relation of Chlorofluorocarbon Ground-Water Age Dates to Water Quality in the Aquifers of West Virginia
Cover Page of Scientific Investigations Report 2006-5198Scientific Investigations Report 2006-5198
Hydrogeology, Aquifer Geochemistry, and Ground-Water Quality in Morgan County, West Virginia
Cover Page of Scientific Investigations Report 2006-5059Scientific Investigations Report 2006-5059
Ground-Water Quality in Unmined Areas and Relation of Chlorofluorocarbon Ground-Water Ager Dates to Water Quality in the Aquifers of West Virginia
Cover Page of Scientific Investigations Report 2006-5002Scientific Investigations Report 2006-5002
Low-Flow Analysis and Selected Flow Statistics Representative of 1930-2002 for Streamflow-Gaging Stations In or Near West Virginia
Cover Page of Scientific Investigations Report 2006-5099Scientific Investigations Report 2006-5099
Calibration Parameters Used to Simulate StreamFlow from Application of the Hydrologic Simulation Program-FORTRAN Model (HSPF) to Mountainous Basins Containing Coal Mines in West Virginia
Cover Page of Scientific Investigations Report 2005-5076Scientific Investigations Report 2005-5076
Development and Analysis of Regional Curves for Streams in the Non-Urban Valley and Ridge Physiographic Province, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia
Cover Page of Scientific Investigations Report 2004-5045Scientific Investigations Report 2004-5045
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Bottom Sediment and Bioavailability in Streams in the New River Gorge National River and Gauley River National Recreation Area, West Virginia, 2002
Fact Sheets for WV
Fact Sheets
Cover Page for Fact Sheet 2006-3011Fact Sheet 2006-3011
Methane in West Virginia Ground Water                                                 
Water Data Reports for WV
Water Data Reports
Cover Page of Water-Data Report WV-05-1Water-Data Report WV-05-1
Water Resources Data West Virginia Water Year 2005
Cover Page of Water-Data Report WV-04-1Water-Data Report WV-04-1
Water Resources Data West Virginia Water Year 2004                                  
Data Series Reports For WV
Data Series
Cover Page of Water Data Report 2006-216Water Data Report 2006-216
Base-Flow Yields of Watersheds in the Berkeley County Area, West Virginia
Cover Page of Water Data Report 2006-179Water Data Report 2006-179
Channel Gains and Losses in the Opequon Creek Watershed of West Virginia, July 25-28, 2005

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