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3D view of Decorah and the Upper Iowa River in northeast Iowa.
Recent USGS airborne geophysical surveys near Decorah, Iowa are providing a look at a 470- million-year-old meteorite crater concealed beneath bedrock and sediments. The Iowa Geological & Water Survey (IGWS) have been investigating this area since the early 2000’s when they encountered anomalous rocks in water well cutting samples. The feature was hypothesized as a probable meteorite crater in 2008-09. IGWS staff have worked closely with USGS staff on research, planning and logistics for the recently completed airborne surveys that include the structure.


Cover of the 2012 State Geologists Report from the Iowa Geological & Water Survey.
The 2012 State Geologists Report from the Iowa Geological & Water Survey (IGWS) was just completed. The report summarizes the IGWS activities and accomplishments during the past year.

Click here for more recent news.

GeoSam Database STORET Database IOWAWATER Database NRGIS Database

Bedrock Geologic Map of Iowa (PDF)
The Bedrock Geologic Map of Iowa portrays the current interpretation of the distribution of various bedrock stratigraphic units present at the bedrock surface. More...

New well record form for well drillers.
Well contractors can use the latest Well Record Form, then mail, e-mail or fax a completed form to the IGWS.