Ed Markey

Ed Markey


Rep. Markey: a natl leader on energy, environment, telecommunications; voice for consumer protection; born in Malden, MA; representing 5th Dist


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  1. Brazilian Blowout tames curls but could it also give you cancer? wants the FDA to do more.

  2. To all those beginning their celebrations tonight with friends, family and love ones - Happy Holidays!

  3. NRA's contributions to gun debate? Police officers at every one of the country's 100,000 public schools.

  4. With today's plan for guards with guns in all schools, NRA may as well stand for 'No Restrictions Allowed'

  5. House GOP's is not a real fix. Millions of middle class Americans could see their taxes hiked under the plan.

Le chargement semble mettre du temps.

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