Jobs & Economy

Jobs & Economy

Jobs & Economy

No issue is more important to East Tennessee families than jobs and the economy, and it’s easy to understand why. National unemployment has been elevated since the beginning of the financial crisis, and the economy continues to limp along. In this environment, it has become increasingly difficult for families to make ends meet.

It is absolutely essential for Congress to take steps to improve the business climate and make it easier for businesses to create jobs and grow the economy. I have been proud to join my colleagues in the House of Representatives to advance a pro-jobs agenda. The U.S. Senate has unfortunately failed to act on 40 job-creating bills that the House passed in the last Congress.

My principles for growing the economy are simple—we should keep taxes low, eliminate burdensome regulations, and shrink government so that we can grow the private sector. I opposed President Obama’s stimulus bill in the 111th Congress, because government cannot effectively create and sustain jobs—only the private sector can. As we have seen, the only result of the stimulus bill was more debt.

As the chairman of the Subcommittee on Health, Employment, Labor and Pensions, I have led efforts to hold the Obama Administration accountable for its anti-jobs policies. We have held hearings on issues including overreach at the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), the impact that the health care law will have on businesses, and on strengthening employee pensions.

As a member of the Education and the Workforce Committee, I have joined with my colleagues to advance legislation that will strengthen our education system, improve workforce training opportunities, and protect workers’ rights. We must move forward in all of these areas to keep the American economy competitive in the 21st Century.