

As a practicing obstetrician who has delivered close to 5,000 babies, I strongly support the sanctity of life. As your congressman and as a member of the Congressional Pro-Life Caucus, I will always be a strong and constant voice for the right to life.

President Obama has consistently advanced policies that promote abortion—including his health care law—and it is up to Congress to fight him and stand up for innocent lives.

In the previous Congress I cosponsored and voted for passage of H.R. 3, the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act, which provides a cohesive framework prohibiting government funding for abortion. This legislation also closes any loopholes in the president’s health care law that provide funding for abortion or subsidies for health plans that include abortion coverage.  H.R. 3 would provide the necessary protections for innocent life as well as protecting the conscience rights of thousands of health care professionals.

I am also a cosponsor of H.R. 61 and H.R. 217, the Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act, both of which prohibit organizations that offer abortions from receiving Title X family planning funds.

History shows that direct federal funding for abortion increase the number of abortions. Abortion is not health care; it is a brutal procedure that ends the lives of unborn children and wounds their mothers.

Life is a precious miracle from God that begins at conception. Advanced technology like the 3-D ultrasound shows unborn children as living, breathing, feeling human beings. For this reason I have sponsored legislation requiring an ultrasound prior to the performance of an abortion. We must make our laws consistent with our science and provide full legal protections to the unborn. We have a responsibility and privilege as legislators to defend those who do not have a voice. If government has any legitimate function at all, it is to protect the most innocent among us, and I will do my best to uphold that protection.