Colorado's Official Website



Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment

"Good health begins with a smart mouth." Learn how to... Be A Smart Mouth Coalition

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Subscribe to the Oral Health Information Network, OHINetwork, and receive periodic notification of new postings to the Oral Health Program’s web site as well as other oral health information.

New Resources new

Oral Health Resource Guide new

Colorado’s Oral Health Status


Impact of Oral Disease on the Health of Coloradans

Snapshot of Oral Health in Colorado

Colorado Commission on Children's Dental Health report

Dental Emergency Flip Chart

Dental Program Guidelines for Schools Districts 

Did you know:

Tooth decay is the most common chronic childhood disease?

Dental caries is an infectious disease?

There are major disparities in oral health and disease within Colorado’s population?

Early childhood caries (baby bottle tooth decay or nursing bottle mouth) is a leading dental problem for children under 3 years of age?

By age 50, the average American has lost 12 teeth and after age 64, every third American has no natural teeth at all?

Did you know tobacco use is one of the most significant risk factors in the development and progression of gum disease?

Dental Amalgams fillings have been found to be safe and effective?

A career in dental health can be very rewarding?


Are You At Risk For Periodontal Disease?

Take the Self Assessment



Oral Health in Colorado

Oral disease, although nearly 100 percent preventable affects children, adults and families across the state of Colorado every day. While oral diseases are significant themselves, their relationship to overall general health is often overlooked. The Oral Health Program is working to show connections every day to general health, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, tobacco, school health, seniors, and pregnancy outcomes.

The Oral Health Unit is part of the Prevention Services Division at the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. Staff members are working on programs to improve the oral health of Coloradans. The most cost-effective preventive programs for reducing dental decay are community-wide efforts such as community water fluoridation and tobacco cessation programs, which reach the greatest number of people.  Direct service such as the placement of dental sealants and screenings for common oral and throat cancers are effective for many individuals.  Everyday activities including daily oral hygiene, brushing and flossing, and other lifestyle behaviors, including eating well and getting plenty of exercise also help prevent disease and improve health. 


Nation’s Oral Health Status


General Dental Information and Links:


Health Index

Oral Health Unit
Prevention Services Division 
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South PSD-OH-A4
Denver, CO 80246-1530
Phone: 303-692-2470
Facsimile: 303-758-3448