Synopses by State Colorado - 2009 - Synopses
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Synopses of State and Territorial Dental Public Health Programs
Synopses by State


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Colorado Contact Information
Dr. Katya Mauritson, DMD, MPH(c), Director, Oral Health Unit
(303) 692-2569
On this page
DemographicsDisplay Trend
 State Population  4,939,456
 School-aged children (grades K�12, 5�17 years)  842,777
 Children enrolled in Medicaid � enrolled at least 1 month of the year  345,671
 Children eligible for SCHIP 1 80,850
 Children (K�12) on free/reduced-cost school lunch program  54%
 Percent of total population that are between 5-17 years  17%
 Type of SCHIP program - Medicaid expansion, separate, combination  Separate
 SCHIP Eligibility Limit  200
 Number of children under 18 in families earning less than 125% FPL  188,000
 Percent of children under 18 in families earning less than 125% FPL  16%
 National school lunch program reported - number of children on free lunch program  165,434
 National school lunch program reported - number of children on reduced lunch program  36,221
 National school lunch program reported - number of children on paid lunch program  175,098
 National school lunch program reported - number of children who received lunch program  376,752
 Number of children under 19 at or below 200% FPL  372,000
 Percent of children under 19 at or below 200% FPL  30%
 Number of children under 19 at or below 200% FPL without insurance  109,000
 Percent of children under 19 at or below 200% FPL without insurance  9%
 Percent of total population that are 65 years and older  10%
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InfrastructureDisplay Trend
 Population served by public water system  4,190,698
 Percentage of people on public water systems that receive fluoridated water 2 74%
 Population served by fluoridated water system  3,085,319
 Number of dental schools  1
 Number of dental hygiene schools  4
 Number of community-based low-income dental clinics 2 69
 Number of tribal, state, or local agencies with service populations of 250,000 or more 2 8
 Number of agencies with a dental program 2 3
 Number of dental programs directed by a dental professional 2 2
 Number of directors with an advanced public health degree 2 1
 By what age does your state EPSDT guidance recommend a referral for a dental examination?  1 year old
 Number of local health departments that had a dental program for education services only.  0
 Number of local health departments that had a dental program for preventive services only.  0
 Number of local health departments that had a dental program for preventive & restorative services.  4
 Number of mobile dental clinic programs that had a program for education services only.  0
 Number of mobile dental clinic programs that had a program for preventive services only.  9
 Number of mobile dental clinic programs that had a program for preventive & restorative services.  2
 Does your state have Medicaid adult dental benefits?  Yes
 None, Emergency, Limited, Comprehensive  Emergency
 Does your state have Medicaid adult dental benefits for pregnant women?  Yes
 None, Emergency, Limited, Comprehensive  Emergency
 Does your state have SCHIP adult dental benefits?  No
 Does your state have policies designed to increase access for nursing home residents?  No
 Does your state have policies designed to increase access for developmentally disabled adults?  Yes
 Does your state EPSDT program have a dental periodicity schedule that is separate and distinct from the overall periodicity schedule?  Yes
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WorkforceDisplay Trend
 Number of dentists licensed by state  4,553
 Number of dentists in the state  3,421
 Number of dental hygienists in the state  3,058
 Number of dental hygienists licensed by state  3,910
 Number of counties in state  64
 Number of counties without a dentist.  9
 Total of county population without a dentist.  28,217
 Total population of counties in state without an enrolled Medicaid dentist  112,284
 Number of counties in state without an enrolled Medicaid dentist  17
 Number of counties in state without Medicaid billing dentist who saw 50+ beneficiaries under age 21  36
 Number of dentists with at least one paid claim - Medicaid only.  517
 Number of dentists with paid claims >= $10,000 - Medicaid only.  336
 Number of billing dentists with at least 1 claim - Medicaid  191
 Number of treating dentists with at least 1 claim - Medicaid  517
 Number of billing providers with paid Medicaid claims >= $10,000  336
 Number of billing providers who saw 50 or more beneficiaries < 21 years - Medicaid  287
 Number of billing providers who saw 100 or more beneficiaries < 21 years - Medicaid  215
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AdministrationDisplay Trend
 State dental director devotes full time to his/her duties  Yes
 Full-time equivalents (FTEs) 3 6
 Contracted full-time equivalents (FTEs) 3 2
 Percentage of time dental director spends on Medicaid/SCHIP issues  5%
 Percentage of time dental director spends on Medicaid/SCHIP issues that is paid for by Medicaid/SCHIP  0%
 As of January 1st of this year, how many full years has the current dental director been in this position?  0
 Percent of dental budget from HRSA State Oral Health Collaborative Systems  10%
 Percent of dental budget from HRSA Integrated Systems Development  0%
 Percent of dental budget from Bureau of Health Professions (Oral Health Workforce)  7%
 Does your state currently have a statutory requirement or authority for an oral health program?  No
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Programs - Display Trend
 Abuse/Neglect Education or Prevent Abuse and Neglect through Dental Awareness (PANDA)  175 health professionals reached
 Access to Care  1,106 people served
 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System  6,000 people surveyed
 Dental Screening  1,150 people served
 Dental Sealants  4,720 children served
 Fluoride Mouthrinse  3,162 children served
 Old Age Pension Dental Assistance Program  800 Low income elderly
 Oral Health Education/Promotion  300 people served
 Oral Health Surveys  6,035 people served
 Pregnancy Risk Survey  1,772 women surveyed
 State Dental Loan Repayment Program  39,622 Dental professionals
 Youth Risk Behavior Survey  734 youth surveyed
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1 SCHIP is the State Children's Health Insurance Program.
2 Item related to Healthy People 2010 oral health objectives. See sources page for more information.
3 FTE is full-time equivalent. The number of work hours budgeted per week divided by 40 hours per week equals the number of full-time equivalent workers.
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Using and interpreting the Synopses

This page last updated April 29, 2010