
At the Zoo's Reptile Discovery Center, you can experience the wonder and excitement of the reptilian and amphibian world.

  • Learn about these fascinating animals so you can view them with greater understanding.
  • Take advantage of interactive experiences and opportunities to look closely, ask questions, talk to animal interpreters, and see animals in new ways.
  • Gain new respect for reptiles and amphibians and become inspired to take action for the preservation of these animals and their habitats.

Virtual Tour

The Zoo's Reptile Discovery Center exhibits about 70 species of reptiles and amphibians. Take a virtual tour to find out about the fascinating animals that live here, reptile adaptations, conservation issues, and other topics.

Click on the squares to learn about animals on exhibit, and click on the question marks to learn about a topic.

At the Zoo

The Reptile Discovery Center is an indoor exhibit, located on Olmsted Walk between the Great Ape House and Think Tank, and follows the link toZoo building hours schedule.

In June 2006, the exhibit got a facelift—new multimedia features, colorful graphics, and hands-on objects spotlight the fascinating lives of reptiles and amphibians. The refurbishment sets the mood for discovery and wonder, while educating visitors about conservation issues.

Unlike most of the Zoo's other animals, the inhabitants of the Reptile Discovery Center won't be found outside during the wintertime. This is because cold-blooded creatures rely on the temperature of their surrounding environment to maintain their body temperature. They cannot withstand the cold, wintry weather that warm-blooded animals can.

Please note: To ensure that visitors can enjoy their experience on very busy days, building access is controlled. You may need to wait under a shaded canopy before entering the Discovery Center. If a line exists, you can ask the attendant controlling access for the estimated wait time.


African pancake tortoise
African pancake tortoise
Malacochersus tornieri
Aldabra tortoise
Aldabra tortoise
Geochelone gigantea
Alligator snapping turtle
Alligator snapping turtle
Macroclemys temminckii
Australian snake-necked turtle
Australian snake-necked turtle
Chelodina longicollis
Black ratsnake
Black ratsnake
Elaphe obsoleta (obsoleta)
Boa constrictor
Boa constrictor
Boa constrictor
Brazilian rainbow boa
Brazilian rainbow boa
Epicrates cenchria (cenchria)
Burmese python
Burmese python
Python molurus (bivittatus)
Agkistrodon piscivorus
Cuban crocodile
Cuban crocodile
Crocodylus rhombifer
Eastern box turtle
Eastern box turtle
Terrapene carolina
Emerald tree boa
Emerald tree boa
Corallus caninus
Emperor newt
Emperor newt
Tylototriton shanjing
European glass lizard
European glass lizard
Ophisaurus apodus
Everglades ratsnake
Everglades ratsnake
Elaphe obsoleta rossalleni
Eyelash palm pitviper
Eyelash palm pitviper
Bothriechis schlegelii
Florida softshell turtle
Florida softshell turtle
Apalone ferox
Gaboon viper
Gaboon viper
Bitis gabonica
Gharial (Gavial)
Gharial (Gavial)
Gavialus gangeticus
Gila monster
Gila monster
Heloderma suspectum
Grand Cayman iguana
Grand Cayman iguana
Cyclura lewisi
Greater siren
Greater siren
Siren lacertina
Green anaconda
Green anaconda
Eunectes murinus
Green iguana
Green iguana
Iguana iguana
Green tree python
Green tree python
Morelia viridis
Inland bearded dragon
Inland bearded dragon
Pogona vitticeps
King cobra
King cobra
Ophiophagus hannah
Leopard gecko
Leopard gecko
Eublepharis macularius
Mangrove snake
Mangrove snake
Boiga dendrophila
Matamata turtle
Matamata turtle
Chelus fimbriatus
Northern blue-tongued skink
Northern blue-tongued skink
Tiliqua scincoides
Northern pine snake
Northern pine snake
Pituophis melanoleucus
Oriental fire-bellied toad
Oriental fire-bellied toad
Bombina orientalis
Red-tailed ratsnake
Red-tailed ratsnake
Gonyosoma oxycephala
Timber rattlesnake
Timber rattlesnake
Crotalus horridus
Tokay gecko
Tokay gecko
Gekko gecko
Veiled chameleon
Veiled chameleon
Chamaeleo calyptratus
White's tree frog
White's tree frog
Pelodryas caerulea
Snake Habitat
Lizard Defense
Snake Skin
Reptile Diet
Reptile Moves
Gharial Conservation
Zoo Breeding
Crocodile Conservation
Reptile Vision
Iguana Conservation
Reptile Conservation
Turtle Conservation
Amphibian Conservation
Aldabra Tortoise
Water Quality


Squares link to animal fun facts.
Question marks link to more on reptiles and amphibians.

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