Shumagin (SHU)

Station Id: SHU
Location: Sand Point, Popof, Ak
Latitude: 55.3472°N
Geomagnetic Latitude: 160.4644°W
Geomagnetic Longitude: 256.78°
Longitude: 160.46°W
Elevation: 80 meters
Orientation: HDZF
The Shumagin geomagnetic observatory.

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Shumagin Magnetic Observatory is located near Sand Point, Alaska on the northwest coast of Popof Island, 575 air miles southwest of Anchorage, Alaska. The observatory was established in 2003 to provide increased geomagnetic data coverage in southern Alaska and the Aleutian Islands. The observatory is located on land owned by The Shumagin Corporation, and is operated in a cooperative partnership that assures the long-term operation of the observatory.

Sand Point, AK magnetic observatory, Popoff Island, Shumagin Island group Alaska.

Sand Point, AK magnetic observatory, Popoff Island, Shumagin Island group Alaska.

Bald eagle fly-by at Sand Point, AK magnetic observatory.

Bald eagle fly-by at Sand Point, AK magnetic observatory.

* Pictures courtesy of Jeff Fox