Boulder (BOU)

Station Id: BOU
Location: Boulder, CO
Latitude: 40.1375°N
Longitude: 105.2372°W
Geomagnetic Latitude: 48.40°
Geomagnetic Longitude: 320.59°
Elevation: 1682 meters
Orientation: HDZF
Sign at Boulder Observatory.

Sign at Boulder Observatory.

The Boulder observatory was established in 1963. The grounds for the observatory are overseen by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration of the Department of Commerce. This observatory is closest to Program headquarters in Golden. Therefore, in addition to serving as a site for routine data collection, Boulder also functions as the Program’s test bed for on-going operational developments. Several new buildings have recently been installed on the site and Program staff are currently working to install a coil-calibration facility.

The Boulder magnetic observatory.

The Boulder magnetic observatory. Variations and Proton Sensor buildings at the lower right.

Azimuth mark, Absolutes building and Coil building at Boulder magnetic observatory.

Azimuth mark, Absolutes building and Coil building at Boulder magnetic observatory.

Theodolite for making absolute measurements at Boulder.

Zeiss Jena 010B Theodolite for making absolute measurements at Boulder magnetic observatory.