Sitka (SIT)

Station Id: SIT
Location: Sitka, AK
Latitude: 57.0576°N
Longitude: 135.3273°W
Geomagnetic Latitude: 60.34°
Geomagnetic Longitude: 280.35°
Elevation: 24 meters
Orientation: HDZF
Sitka sign

Prior to the purchase of Alaska by the United States, the Russians operated a meteorological and magnetic observatory at Sitka from 1842 to 1867. The Geomagnetism Program established an observatory at Sitka, near the historic Russian cemetery, in 1901, when the Program was part of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and under the leadership of Drs Louis A. Bauer and John A. Fleming. The present observatory site was established in 1940. The observatory is operated in partnership with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).

Absolutes and variations buildings at Sitka, AK magnetic observatory.

Absolutes and variations buildings at Sitka, AK magnetic observatory.

Absolutes building at Sitka magnetic observatory Alaska.

Electronics building at Sitka magnetic observatory Alaska.*

Sitka, AK.

Sitka, AK.*

Observer's residence and office building.

Observer's Residence and Office Building.

Magnetic observations being made by F. P. Ulrich at Sitka in 1929.

Magnetic Observations being made by F. P. Ulrich at Sitka in 1929.

* Pictures courtesy of Jeff Fox