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East Coast
  • Products & Services:
  • Sea surface temperature
  • Chlorophyll-a
  • Surface winds
  • Clarity
  • OpenDAP
  • CoastWatch EDAC applet
Great Lakes
  • Products & Services:
  • Sea surface temperature
  • Chlorophyll-a
  • Visible Reflectance
  • True Color
  • Ice coverage
  • Java based GIS
  • Products & Services:
  • Sea surface temperature
  • Surface winds
  • Upper ocean heat content
  • Altimeter
  • CO2 Flux
  • Java based GIS
  • Products:
  • Sea surface temperature
  • Surface winds
  • Visible, Infrared
  • Volcano
Central Pacific
  • Products & Services:
  • Sea surface temperature
  • Surface winds
  • Ocean Color
  • Altimeter
  • Live Access Server
  • OpenDAP
West Coast
  • Products & Services:
  • Sea surface temperature
  • Surface winds
  • True Color
  • Altimeter
  • Live Access Server
  • CoastWatch Data Browser

The six regional nodes are made up of other NOAA line offices that participate in the CoastWatch Program. They are located around the country, hosting equipment and personnel to provide near real-time data distribution and regional scientific expertise to the local user community. Together, central operations and the regional nodes provide for the distribution pathway for CoastWatch data products.