IA Programs
Advancing the security and safety of the nation's cyber infrastructure through research, education, and outreach

Information Assurance Program at DSU

Dakota State University is recognized by both the National Security Agency (NSA) and The Department of Homeland Security as a National Center of Excellence in Information Assurance. Dakota State was the first university to be awarded this national designation in the Upper Midwest, including North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Montana, and Wyoming.

About IA

An introduction of Information Assurance and why at DSU now. Read More.

Information Assurance at DSU

National Center for the Protection of the Financial Infrastructure mission, goals and structure. Read More.

NSA/DHS CAE/IAE Evidence Website

Re-Designation Criteria For Measurement - Supporting Evidence By Area

NSA/DHS CAE-R Evidence Website

Research Evidence

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Last Updated: 7/31/12