Computer Security Lab
UC Davis
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616-8562
Phone: 530.752.1287
Fax: 530.752.4767
Email: seclab-staff

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Our Mission

To improve the current state of computer security, through research and teaching.


Karl Levitt | Matt Bishop | Hao Chen | Felix Wu


"Securing a computer system has traditionally been a battle of wits: the penetrator tries to find the holes, and the designer tries to close them." — M. Gosser

ISSO SealNSA designates University of California, Davis a Center of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Education (CAE/IAE) and also a Center of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Research (CAE/R).

National Information
Assurance Education and
Training Program

Courses mapped to NSTISSI standards

We are now accepting applications for the IASP scholarship

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