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TEMPEST product descriptions are provided by the vendor without modification by the U.S. Government. NSA is not responsible for the accuracy or content of the product descriptions.

Last Revised: 10/20/2003

Title: TEMPEST Level I
Status: No longer produced
Category: Router
Manufacturer: Wang Government Services, Inc.
Model: YT1-2514/XX/XX
Description: The Wang TEMPEST Router integrates routing and wiring hub operations in a single 19" rack-mountable device, providing remote offices with both local-area network (LAN) and WAN/Internetwork connectivity. The TEMPEST Router provides a secure cost-effective way to reduce the number of devices in the office, while simultaneously easing service and support requirements. The Router, which is based on the Cisco 2514, has a 20 MHz 68030 processor and comes standard with 8MB of Flash memory. Optional DRAM is available to allow for dual banking or future code growth. The YT1-ROUTER-XX is designed to operate with external 100-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz. It comes equipped with two 802.3 fiber optic ports, one RS-449 serial connector, and a second serial connector that can be either RS-449 or RS-232. It also has a RJ-45 connector for loading IP addresses. Options
YT1-2514/XX/XX TEMPEST Router
YT1-449-CBL RS449 I/O Cable
YT1-232-CBL RS232 I/O Cable


Date Posted: Jan 15, 2009 | Last Modified: Jun 11, 2009 | Last Reviewed: Jun 11, 2009


National Security Agency / Central Security Service