User News

Sep 25, 2012

View Your Intrepid Storage Usage

To view your storage usage on Intrepid, use the following command: myquota (full path: /usr/local/bin/myquota).

Sep 25, 2012

ALCF Now Enforcing Storage Quotas for Intrepid /home

As of September 17, 2012, quotas are now enforced. If you exceed your quota limit in /home, you will be unable to write files to the file system. For more information on quotas, visit here or refer to FAQs.

Aug 27, 2012

Using the Tape Archive (HPSS)

ALCF recommends using the tape archive system (HPSS) as part of your data management strategy. The ALCF has 16PB (compressed) tape capacity for longer-term data storage needs. The two client commands with access to HPSS (i.e., hsi and htar) are available on the intrepid login node. For further instructions on how to use this resource, please consult the documentation here or send email to

Aug 23, 2012

Summer 2012 Issue of Newbytes Now Available!

The August 2012 issue of Newsbytes, the quarterly user newsletter, is available for you to view!

In this issue:

  • 247 million hours of ALCF resources allocated to 2012 ASCR Leadership Computing Challenge (ALCC) projects
  • Mira ranks among nation's fastest supercomputers
  • Lithium-air: The “Mount Everest” of batteries for electric vehicles
  • Meet Steve Crusan of the ALCF Storage Team

Click here to view.

Jul 12, 2012

Allinea DDT 3.2 Now Available

The release version of the Allinea DDT 3.2 parallel debugger is now available on Intrepid, Challenger, and Surveyor. This version incorporates the scalability improvements and bug fixes of the previous release candidates as well as supporting direct job submission from the GUI. Access this new version via the softenv key "+ddt". Please click here for more information on getting started with DDT.

Jul 5, 2012

HDF5 Library Update Installed

An update to the HDF5 (Hierarchical Data Format) library has been installed on Intrepid, Challenger and Surveyor. The library
is located at /soft/apps/current/hdf5-1.8.9. Please go here for additional information.

Jun 27, 2012

Argonne Issues Call for Position Papers: Operating System and Runtime Software for Exascale Systems

The research challenges associated with Exascale systems have been articulated in numerous reports.  We clearly need new approaches to address these tremendous challenges. The Exascale Operating Systems and Runtime (OS/R) Technical Council (TC) has been convened by the Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science and National Nuclear Security Administration to develop a research agenda and plan to address them. This activity will result in a report describing the research priorities and the process used to develop this plan.  The report will be published in November 2012.

Jun 21, 2012

Allinea DDT 3.2-rc1 Now Available

A new version of the Allinea DDT parallel debugger is now available for testing on Intrepid, Challenger, and Surveyor. This version incorporates several Blue Gene scalability improvements previously available only in the development version; a bug fix to prevent truncated backtraces in some situations; and also improved interaction with the system for debug session shutdown and restart. Access this new version via the softenv key "+ddt-3.2-rc1".

Jun 7, 2012

Cobalt Tips for Groups

Users working together are often inconvenienced because the person who submitted a job is the only one who can modify or delete it. However, it is easy to grant another user permission to modify and delete your jobs using the qsub option --run_users. For example, "qsub -t 10 -n 512 --run_users smith:jones myprogram.exe" will allow both Smith and Jones access to the job. This option can be used with any jobs, including those in a reservation. See Running With a Group of Users for more information.

May 17, 2012

Intrepid Reservations May 22 - May 25, 2012

From Tuesday through Friday next week (May 22-25), Intrepid will be reserved part of each day to support the ALCF Leap to Petascale workshop. Although highest priority will be given to workshop jobs, some normal jobs may be run as space permits. The workshop reservation details may be viewed using the command "showres". Please email with any questions or concerns.
