Getting Time on ALCF Systems

The ALCF is one of two U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Leadership Computing facilities in the nation and provides leading scientists with next-generation, high-performance computing resources for breakthrough research to address global challenges. The ALCF invites researchers from universities, government agencies, and industry who are prepared to accelerate scientific discovery in climate, materials, alternative energy sources and energy storage, chemistry, nuclear physics, astrophysics, quantum mechanics, and the other areas of scientific research.

ALCF resources are accessible through the following programs.

Director's Discretionary

Preflight or Start-up Allocations of Time Program

  • Purpose: Start-up and preflight projects. Primarily a "first step" for projects working toward an INCITE or ALCC allocation.

  • Eligibility: Available to researchers in academia, industry, and other research institutions. DOE sponsorship is not required.

  • Review Process: Projects must demonstrate a need for high-performance computing resources. Reviewed by ALCF.

  • Application Period: ongoing (available year round)

  • Award Size: Low tens of thousands to the low millions of compute hours

  • Award Duration: 3 - 6 months, renewable

  • Total percent of ALCF resources allocated: 10%

INCITE Program

Innovative and Novel Computational Impact on Theory and Experiment Program

  • Purpose: Supports computationally intensive, large-scale research projects that aim to address "grand challenges" in science and engineering.

  • Eligibility: Available to researchers in academia, industry and other research institutions. DOE sponsorship is not required.

  • Review Process: INCITE Program conducts a two-part review of all proposals including a peer review by an international panel of experts, and a computational-readiness review.

  • Application Period: Annual call for proposals mid-April through mid-June

  • Award size: Low to high millions of compute hours

  • Award Duration: 1 - 3 years, renewable

  • Total percent of ALCF resources allocated: 60%

  • Questions to gauge your project's readiness for INCITE, plus helpful tips here

ALCC Program

ASCR Leadership Computing Challenge

  • Purpose: Support projects related to the Department of Energy’s energy mission, national emergencies, or for broadening the community of researchers on leadership computing resources.

  • Eligibility: Available to researchers in academia, industry, and other research institutions. DOE sponsorship is not required.

  • Review Process: DOE conducts a peer review of all proposals based on scientific and/or technical merit of the project; appropriateness of the proposed method or approach; competency/adequacy of personnel and proposed resources; reasonableness and appropriateness of proposed allocation request.

  • Application Period: Ongoing. Awards cycles run July 1 to June 30.

  • Award Size: low to high millions of compute hours

  • Award Duration: One year

  • Total percent of ALCF resources allocated: 30%