Data Transfer

The Blue Gene/P connects to other research institutions using a total of 20 GBs of public network connectivity. This allows scientists to transfer datasets to and from other institutions over fast research networks such as the Energy Science Network (ESNet) and the Metropolitan Research and Education Network (MREN).

Data Transfer Node Overview

Two data transfer nodes are available to all Intrepid users, that provide the ability to perform wide and local area data transfers. (alias for (alias for

Data Transfer Utilities

HSI/HTAR HSI and HTAR allow users to transfer data to and from HPSS


GridFTP provides the ability to transfer data between trusted sites such as NERSC and ORNL as well as local nodes at ALCF.

sftp and scp

These standard utilities are available for local area transfers of small files.

Data Transfer Service

Globus Online

Globus Online addresses the challenges faced by researchers in moving, sharing, and archiving large volumes of data among distributed sites.