Articles & Announcements

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  • 2 of the 80 girls in attendence

ALCF Staff Encourages Girls to Get Excited About Science

With Argonne’s annual Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day (IGED), female researchers at the lab are working to address this gender imbalance by showing young girls the excitement of science careers firsthand.

March 11, 2013
  • Argonne team working on CONVERGE code

High-Performance Computing Enables Huge Leap Forward in Engine Development

With expertise in automotive engines and combustion chemistry, and state-of-the-art transportation and high-performance computing facilities, Argonne is one of the few places in the world with the ability to rapidly advance modeling and simulation tools into the HPC realm for more intelligent engine design.

January 31, 2013
  • turbulent magnetic field lines (red) inside a coronal hole

Furthering the Understanding of Coronal Heating and Solar Wind Origin

Researchers from the Space Science Center at the University of New Hampshire, led by co-principal investigators Jean Perez and Benjamin Chandran, expect to arrive at new theoretical understandings in this area through their INCITE research. The team is conducting the first direct numerical simulations of AW turbulence in the extended solar atmosphere that account for the inhomogeneities in the density, flow speed, and background magnetic field within a narrow magnetic flux tube extending from roughly one solar radius to eleven solar radii. They are comparing numerical simulations conducted on Argonne Leadership Computing Facility (ALCF) supercomputers with remote observations.

January 16, 2013
  • A visualization of the flow of concrete, a complex suspension. In this snapshot of the simulation, the stress on each suspended particle is shown color-coded with its specific value drawn on its surface. Suspended particles that have a stress value below a specific threshold value are shown in outline form in order to better view those particles that are carrying the majority of the stress in the system.

High-Fidelity Simulation of Complex Suspension Flow for Practical Rheometry

Highly versatile and stone-like in strength, concrete is the most widely used fabricated building material. Accessing the resources of the ALCF through an INCITE award, William George of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is researching the flow of concrete to improve its workability and to reduce the impact of concrete production on the environment.

November 16, 2012
  • 1.1 trillion particles

Argonne Scientists Probe the Cosmic Structure of the Dark Universe

In the standard model of cosmology, dark energy and dark matter together account for 95% of the mass energy of the universe; however, their ultimate origin remains a mystery. The Argonne Leadership Computing Facility will allocate significant supercomputing resources towards unraveling one of the key puzzles—the nature of the dark energy causing the universe to accelerate its current expansion rate.

November 15, 2012
  • Calculations including both viscosity and heat conduction

Simulations of Deflagration-to-Detonation Transition in Reactive Gases

Hydrogen is an abundant, environmentally friendly fuel with the potential to reduce our dependence on foreign oil, improve the environment, and boost our economy. Researchers led by Alexei Khokhlov of the University of Chicago are using Argonne Leadership Computing Facility supercomputing resources to understand how hydrogen transitions from burning to detonation, thereby furthering efforts to bring hydrogen fuel safely into our everyday lives.

November 14, 2012
  • High-fidelity simulation of exhaust nozzle under installed configuration

Delivering “Green” Jet Engines and Wind Turbines

A GE Global Research team is studying the complex flow of air in jet exhaust nozzles and wind turbine airfoils. The researchers are conducting simulations on the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility’s supercomputer to understand and predict flow in jet engines and wind turbines. Such information is key to developing quieter, more fuel-efficient wind turbines and jet engines and to improving engine life cycles in an extremely competitive global market.

November 13, 2012
  • billion-atom reactive MD simulation of nanobubble collapse

Petascale Simulations of Stress Corrosion Cracking

The performance and lifetime of materials widely used in energy and nuclear technologies are often severely limited by corrosion under stress loads. Simulations performed at the ALCF are revealing the atomistic mechanisms that control stress-induced corrosion within nuclear reactors—which is key to understanding the phenomenon, and ultimately, to developing new technologies to prevent it.

November 12, 2012
  • computer coverage

Supercomputer Recreates Universe From Big Bang to Today

researchers are planning the most detailed, largest-scale simulation of this kind to date. One of the main mysteries they hope to solve with it is the origin of the dark energy that's causing the universe to accelerate in its expansion. The new simulation is a project led by physicists Salman Habib and Katrin Heitmann of Illinois' Argonne National Laboratory, and will run on the lab's Mira supercomputer, the third-fastest computer in the world, starting in the next month or two.

September 12, 2012
  • An illustration of the environment experience by the excess proton within the Nafion polymer membrane environment, where the hydronium cation is separated from the sulfonate sidechain by a single water molecule.

Conducting Multiscale Modeling of Energy Storage Materials for Fuel Cells, Batteries

U.S. reliance on fossil fuels is increasingly recognized as a substantial threat to national energy security and a source of global climate change. The development of batteries and fuel cells can provide viable clean energy alternatives for replacing internal combustion engines in automobiles and powering personal electronics. However, electrochemical technologies continue to lag behind fossil fuels in performance and cost. Breakthroughs are hindered by a lack of understanding of transport and catalytic mechanisms, the complexity of modeling chemical processes in the individual components of fuel cells and batteries, in addition to modeling dynamics at the interfaces between each component.

August 14, 2012
