User Advisory Council

The User Advisory Council (UAC) exists to give users more input into the policies and services that shape their experiences at the ALCF. Comprised of users from an array of scientific and technical backgrounds, the UAC meets monthly to provide advice and feedback to facility leadership on the current state of ALCF resources and services from the user perspective.

Collectively, UAC members represent ongoing projects from all current program types (INCITE, ALCC, Early Science, Director's Discretionary) using the facility’s computational resources. To qualify for a one-year UAC term, a user must be a member of an active project, but need not be a PI. Members are appointed by the ALCF director in January of each year.

For more information about the User Advisory Council, please contact the UAC ALCF liaison.

UAC Chair

Dean Townsley
Assistant Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Alabama
Area of research: Stellar Physics, Supernovae

UAC Members

Andrew Binkowski
Assistant Scientist, Center for Structural Genomics of Infectious Diseases, Argonne National Laboratory 
Fellow, Computation Institute, The University of Chicago
Lecturer, Department of Computer Science, The University of Chicago

Area of research: Computational Biology and Molecular Modeling

Hank Childs
Computer Systems Engineer, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Professional Researcher, University of California at Davis

Area of research: Large Data Visualization and Analysis

Francois Gygi
Professor, University of California Davis
Areas of research: Computational Material Science, Computational Chemistry, and Computational Physics
[homepage] [research]

Curtis Hamman 
Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford University
Area of research: Turbulence
[homepage] [research]

Philip Maechling 
Associate Director for Information Technology 
Southern California Earthquake Center 

Area of research: SCEC researchers develop physics-based predictive models of earthquake processes leading to improved understanding of seismic hazards in California and around the world.

Steven C. Pieper 
Senior Physicist, Argonne National Laboratory
Area of research: Theoretical nuclear physics; specifically ab initio calculations of light nuclei