
Mar 14, 2013
6:30 PM
Rise of the Super Smart Supercomputer
Pete Beckman
Director - Exascale Technology and Computing Institute
Building 240
Mar 13, 2013
3:00 PM
Do-It-Yourself Parallel Data Analysis
Tom Peterka
Argonne National Laboratory, MCS
Building 240/Room 1406-1407
Mar 13, 2013
10:30 AM
Theory as a Tool for Microstructural Design: Grain Boundary Engineering
Srikanth Patala
Building 240, Seminar Room 4301
Mar 12, 2013
10:30 AM
Phase Field Modeling of Lithium Electrodeposition in Lithium-Ion Batteries
Linyun Liang
Building 240, Seminar Room 4301
Mar 6, 2013
3:00 PM
The Multifaceted Mathematics for Complex Energy Systems (M2ACS) Project
Mihai Anitescu
Computational Mathematician, MCS
Building 240/Room 4301
Mar 4, 2013
1:00 PM
Mira Community Conference

Building 240/Room 1416
Feb 28, 2013
2:00 PM
High Fidelity Simulation of the Flow in Fuel Assembly: Using Supercomputing to Better Understand Flow Physics
Elia Merzari
Nuclear Engineering Division
Building 203/Room D120
Feb 22, 2013
10:00 AM
Two Mathematical Topics in Mutiscale Science: Random Composites and Metastable States
Claude Le Bris
Ecole des Ponts and INRIA, France
Building 240/Room 1404-1405
Feb 18, 2013
2:30 PM
Fast Extraction and Analysis of Surface-based Structures
Samer Barakat
Postdoc Interviewee
Building 240/Room 1406-1407
Feb 18, 2013
10:30 AM
A Performance Modeling Approach for Analyzing In-Memory MapReduce Workloads on Multi-core Architecture
Devesh Tiwari, Postdoctoral Candidate
North Carolina State University
Building 240/Room 4301
Feb 15, 2013
2:30 PM
Microbial Electrosynthesis by Autotrophic Microbiomes
Christopher Marshall, Postdoc Candidate
University of South Carolina
Building 240/Room 1404
Feb 14, 2013
1:00 PM
Response of high-latitude peatlands to climate change - Improving model predictive capabilities
Zhaosheng Fan
Biosciences Division, Argonne National Laboratory
Searle 240A
Feb 13, 2013
3:00 PM
Composability, Performance, and Resilience in Multilevel Solvers
Jed Brown, Argonne Scholar, MCS
Argonne National Laboratory
Building 240/Room 1404-1405
Feb 8, 2013
10:30 AM
Large-Scale Graph Traversal Algorithms on Multi-core Clusters
Huiwei Lu
Postdoc Interviewee
Building 240/Room 1406
Feb 6, 2013
3:00 PM
Tensors and hypermatrices in physics, chemistry, and optimization
Lek-Heng Lim
University of Chicago
Building 240/Room 1404-1405
