Intrepid / Challenger / Surveyor Guide

The ALCF houses several several IBM Blue Gene/P supercomputers, one of the world’s fastest computing platforms.


Intrepid has a highly scalable torus network, as well as a high-performance collective network that minimizes the bottlenecks common in simulations on large, parallel computers.  Intrepid uses less power per teraflop than systems built around commodity microprocessors, resulting in greater energy efficiency and reduced operating costs.  Blue Gene applications use common languages and standards-based MPI communications tools, so a wide range of science and engineering applications are straightforward to port, including those used by the computational science community for cutting-edge research in chemistry, combustion, astrophysics, genetics, materials science and turbulence.

Intrepid's Blue Gene/P system consists of

  • 40 racks of Blue Gene/P
  • 1024 nodes per rack
  • one 850 MHz quad-core processor and 2GB RAM per node

For a total of 163,840 cores, 80 terabytes of RAM, and a peak performance of 557 teraflops


Challenger is the home for the prod-devel job submission queue.  Moving the prod-devel queue to Challenger clears the way for capability jobs on Intrepid. Challenger shares the same environment as Intrepid and is intended for small, short, interactive debugging and test runs.  Production jobs are not run on Challenger.

Challenger's Blue Gene/P system consists of

  • 1 rack of Blue Gene/P
  • 1024 nodes per rack
  • one 850 MHz quad-core processor and 2GB RAM per node

For a total of 4096 cores, 2 terabytes of RAM, and a peak performance of 13.9 teraflops


Surveyor is used for tool and application porting, software testing and optimization, and systems software development.

Surveyor's Blue Gene/P system consists of

  • 1 rack of Blue Gene/P
  • 1024 nodes per rack
  • one 850 MHz quad-core processor and 2GB RAM per node

For a total of 4096 cores, 2 terabytes of RAM, and a peak performance of 13.9 teraflops