White House White Board

  • A Smarter Approach to Regulation

    Watch the White House white board here.

    Since taking office, President Obama has been committed to eliminating red tape and ensuring that when rules are issued to protect safety and health, they are sensitive to the economic situation and attuned to the importance of job creation and economic growth. 

    As this White House White Board shows, the net benefits, or the benefits minus the costs, of regulations issued through the third fiscal year of the Obama Administration have exceeded $91 billion. This amount, including not only monetary savings but also thousands of lives saved and tens of thousands of illnesses and injuries prevented,is over 25 times the net benefits through the third fiscal year of the previous Administration.  What are the ingredients of these benefits?

  • White Board: Brian Deese on the Buffett Rule

    In this new White House White Board, Brian Deese, the Deputy Director of the National Economic Council, explains why the Buffett Rule is necessary to restore fairness to the American tax system -- and ensure that everyone plays by the same set of rules.

    Later this morning, President Obama will discuss the Buffett Rule from the White House. Tune in at 10:15 AM ET at WhiteHouse.gov/live.

  • White Board: Brian Deese on the Payroll Tax Cut


    In this new White House White Board, Brian Deese, the Deputy Director of the National Economic Council, explains how President Obama's payroll tax cut helps families, businesses, and the economy -- and why it's so important to extend that tax cut for 2012.

  • White Board: Austan Goolsbee on Patent Reform

    In this White House White Board, Austan Goolsbee, Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, explains the President's plan to reform the patent system so great American ideas can be turned into the jobs of the future quickly and effectively.

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  • White House White Board: OMB Director Jack Lew on the President's Budget

    Ed. Note: Learn more about the President's Budget from the OMB site or watch the President discuss the Budget during a visit to Parkville Middle School and Center for Technology in Baltimore.

    In this White House White Board, Jack Lew, Director of the Office of Management and Budget, explains how the President's Budget will help the government live within its means, while still investing in America's future. Look for much more detail here at WhiteHouse.gov Monday afternoon.

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  • White House White Board: Austan Goolsbee on the National Wireless Initiative

    In this White House White Board, Austan Goolsbee, Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, explains the National Wireless Initiative.  This plan will help America win the future by building a 21st Century infrastructure.

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  • White House White Board: Austan Goolsbee on Startup America

    In this edition, Austan Goolsbee, Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, explains how the new Startup America program will help entrepreneurs overcome what’s often called the “valley of death” on the way to success and help America win the future.

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  • White House White Board: The Costs of Repealing Health Reform

    Today, Republicans in the House of Representatives are voting on a bill to repeal the new freedoms, control over health care decisions, and cost savings the health care law---the Affordable Care Act---provides the American people. As Secretary Geithner noted this morning, repeal would be bad for business and bad for the economy.

    Repealing the Affordable Care Act would also have a significant effect on families’ bank accounts. Stephanie Cutter, an Assistant to the President who has been working on implementing the health reform law, takes to the White House White Board to explain what repealing it would mean for family premium costs and American jobs:

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