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Infographic: What You Need to Know About the Energy Security Trust


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In his 2013 State of the Union address, President Obama called on Congress to create an Energy Security Trust Fund, which would free American families and business from painful spikes in gas prices. The President’s plan builds on an idea that has bipartisan support from experts including retired admirals and generals and leading CEOs, and it focuses on one goal: shifting America’s cars and trucks off oil entirely.

So how does it work? The Energy Security Trust will invest in research that will make future technologies cheaper and better – it will fund the advances that will allow us to run cars and trucks on electricity or homegrown fuels, and on the technology that will enable us to drive from coast-to-coast without a drop of oil.

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Infographic: What You Need to Know About the Energy Security Trust

  1. 1. the WHITE HOUSE PRESIDENT OBAMA IS CALLING ON CONGRESS TO ESTABLISH AN ENERGY SECURITY TRUST HERE’S HOW IT WORKS FUNDED WITH REVENUE FROM PROFITABLE OIL AND GAS COMPANIES $2 Fully paid for within BILLION Supports research by OVER TEN YEARS the President’s budget. American scientists on No extra costs. long-term projects. INVESTMENTS IN CUTTING-EDGE DISCOVERIES IN TECHNOLOGIES THAT WILL SHIFT OUR VEHICLES OFF OIL FOR GOOD Natural gas fuel Advanced Cleaner Hydrogen fuel cells tanks that are batteries for biofuels and breakthrough cheaper, lighter electric vehicles technologies and stronger WILL CREATEAmerican Energy Less New Lower New Sources Pollution Jobs Energy Costs Technology The Energy Security Trust is just one piece of President Obama’s All of the Above approach to create a secure energy future. The President’s plan will cut our reliance on foreign oil, create jobs and help lower energy cost for middle class families. 3/15/2013 S H A R E T H I S I F YO U T H I N K I T ’ S A G O O D I D E A WH.GOV/ENERGY
