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Finance Division



In an effort to promote U.S. innovation and industrial competitiveness, the mission of the Finance Division is to provide accurate and timely accounting data in an efficient manner to the NIST community and the eight cross-serviced customer bureaus within the Department of Commerce.


The Accounts Payable Group performs all of the accounting functions relating to commercial payments of contracts and purchase orders, miscellaneous payments, and for recording accruals, obligations, and de-obligations in the accounting records; and reconciles accounts and ensures NIST compliance with the Prompt Payment Act.

The Travel Group administers and disseminates GSA/DOC/NIST travel regulations to technical and administrative staff; provides administrative support for the Travel Manager application, answers inquires regarding all technical aspects of travel including Government issued travel cards and passports, processes travel authorizations, travel reimbursements, and audits vouchers for accuracy and completeness. 

The Financial Statements Group prepares external financial reports to DOC, OMB, and Treasury as well as internal financial reports for internal NIST management and customer bureaus; prepares and processes various financial data that feed the financial system; proactively analyzes data and identifies conditions and trends and offers guidance and recommendations regarding financial status; maintains and monitors the integrity of the expanded trial balance.

The Receivables Group performs in the Accounts Receivable area: all billings and collections functions for NIST and customer bureaus; debt management of all receivables; and prepares the Treasury Report on Receivables.  The Reimbursable area performs:  reviews and processing of reimbursable agreements for NIST and customer bureaus; formally accepts NIST reimbursable agreements; bills for advances; reconciliations; month-end and year-end carryover processing; and close-out of expired agreements.

The Data Control and Cost Execution Group coordinates the monthly, quarterly, and year-end financial system closing schedule and processes for all bureaus serviced by NIST; maintains control of automated interfaces passing data to the accounting system and vendor/customer table maintenance requests; reviews and approves overseas cables for ITA and enters them into the budget module; prepares and maintains the centralized services allocation for ITA; maintains all maintenance values in CFS.

The Reconciliation Group completes cash reconciliations for all bureaus serviced by NIST; prepares the monthly SF-224; reconciles the Treasury Statement of Difference; oversees the NIST Working Capital Fund; monitors and analyzes the assigned general ledger accounts of the Working Capital Fund while clearing reconciling items and inaccuracies in data; inputs cost data into NIST's Property system, calculates amortization/depreciation; and accounts for real property, software and leases.

Thank you for your interest in our Division.

Marvin Washington, Division Chief


General Information:
301-975-2292 Telephone
301-975-4668 Facsimile

100 Bureau Drive, M/S 1620
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-1620