Funding for Special   Communities

Nutrient Metabolism

The Nutrient Metabolism Program supports basic and clinical studies related to the requirement, bioavailability, and metabolism of nutrients and other dietary components at the organ, cellular, and subcellular levels in normal and diseased states. Specific areas of research interest include the understanding of the physiologic function and mechanism of action/interaction of nutrients within the body; nutrient influence on gene regulation and expression; metabolism and function of nutrient antioxidants; the effects of environment, heredity, stress, drug use, toxicants, and physical activity on problems of nutrient imbalance and nutrient requirements in health and disease; and specific metabolic considerations relating to alternative forms of nutrient delivery and use, such as total parenteral nutrition. The program also supports research to improve methods of assessing nutritional status in health and disease.

National Commission on Digestive Diseases

The Former Director of the NIH, Dr. Elias A. Zerhouni, established a National Commission on Digestive Diseases based on the mutual interest in advancing digestive diseases research shared by the NIH and the Congress.

Resources for Researchers

Clinical Research


Related Study Sections

See Also

Funding Opportunities


Related Reports

Funding for Special Communities


Related Organizations

Committees and Advisory Groups

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Page last updated: February 18, 2013

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