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Social Security Regulations 20 CFR 404.1200 - 404.1219


404.1200 General

404.1201 Scope of this subpart regarding coverage and wage reports and adjustments

404.1202  Definitions

404.1203 Evidence--for wages paid prior to 1987

404.1204 Designating officials to act on behalf of the State



What Groups of Employees May Be Covered

404.1205 Absolute coverage groups

404.1206 Retirement system coverage groups

404.1207 Divided retirement system coverage goups

404.1208 Ineligible employees

404.1209 Manditorily excluded services

404.1210 Optionally excluded services

404.1211 Interstate instrumentalities

404.1212 Police officers and firefighters



How Coverage Under Agreements is Obtained and Continues

404.1214 Agreement for coverage

404.1215 Modification of agreement

404.1216 Modification of agreement to correct an error 404.1217 Continuation of coverage

404.1218 Resumption of coverage

404.1219 Dissolution of political subdivision


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Last reviewed or modified Monday Jan 14, 2008
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