Occupational Health Services
Industrial Rehabilitation & Ergonomics


HPMC OMS provides services to evaluate, improve and protect worker fitness and health. Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD’s) such as tendonitis, strains and joint pain can be prevented and managed with proper education and tools. Early assessment and intervention is important to prevent injury and illness, minimize lost work time, and ensure a safe return to work. We provide clinical services at our rehabilitation facility at the 1979 Snyder Health Care Center. Call 376-2109 or 376-9040 for more information on these services. Scroll down to find a summary of our Industrial Rehabilitation services.

AMH industrial fitness and rehabilitation
Quick Links:
Clinical Services
Worksite Services
Work Conditioning Preventive Exercise   Ergonomics
Cardiopulmonary Conditioning   Back School
Fitness Assessment   Presentations and Training
Work Capacity Evaluation   Hanford WorkFit


Who is Eligible?


Current and active DOE Hanford employees of MSA, WRPS, ATLII, CHPRC, HPMC, WCH, DOE-RL and ORP Offices. Employees are required to obtain their manager’s approval to participate in most services.



Work Conditioning and Preventive Exercise


An exercise physiologist will evaluate the specific condition and develop a customized rehabilitation plan to maximize the employee’s recovery and improve productivity at work. Structured, functionally based programs focus on supervised rehabilitation and transition to self-care. These programs improve the safety and efficiency of the worker, assist workers in maintaining or regaining physical capabilities needed to perform their duties, and reduce the likelihood of re-injury. We can help manage most musculoskeletal conditions, including back pain, general deconditioning, shoulder, neck, knee, ankle and arm injuries and pain.

Participation in Work Conditioning requires an HPMC provider referral. Employees may walk in to the 2-West or 1979 Snyder clinic and ask to see a provider for a Work Conditioning referral. Once our department receives the internal referral, one of our Exercise Physiologists will call the patient directly and schedule the appointment. Preventive Exercise

Preventive Exercise is similar to Work Conditioning; however, it may be self-referred and needs only a manager’s permission to attend. This service may be more appropriate for those who need minimal assistance in starting an exercise program or managing an injury.

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Cardiopulmonary Conditioning


CardioCardiopulmonary Conditioning service is a goal-oriented conditioning and education intervention designed to improve or restore worker’s physical capacity, teach patients how to maintain cardiopulmonary health and fitness and delay disease processes. 

Cardiopulmonary conditioning is for current workers who have a cardiopulmonary condition that affects their ability to perform their job or for injury and illness risk prevention and management. Intervention components may include, but are not limited to, assessment, exercise prescription and training, patient education, health risk assessment, and health counseling and behavior modification.

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 Fitness Assessment


A comprehensive fitness assessment can give the employee a picture of overall fitness. Using a series of valid and reliable tests, our exercise physiologists may assess any of the following factors:

  • A healthy history describing cardiac risk factors
  • A health and lifestyle questionnaire (PAR-Q)
  • Physical Assessment:
    • Fitness AssessmentHeight and weight
    • Body  fat percentage
    • Body Mass Index
    • Waist to Hip ratio
    • Blood pressure
    • Resting heart rate
    • Cardiovascular fitness
    • Muscular strength
    • Muscular endurance
    • Flexibility

Assessment will include a summary of results with an action plan to work on weaknesses.
For certain work groups, a more comprehensive fitness assessment is provided with EKG monitoring to both assess aerobic capacity and to screen for cardiac abnormalities.

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Work Capacity Evaluation


Requested by an HPMC medical provider or the employer, this service consists of evaluating the employee’s ability to perform the essential job functions and physical demands of their job on a safe and dependable basis. A work capacity evaluation may also be requested by a medical provider to help reassess or evaluate appropriateness of work restrictions. The evaluation is coordinated by the HPMC Nurse Case Manager.

Capacity Evaluation

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HPMC OMS offers full ergonomics consultative services to assess computer workstations, postures, processes and tools. Office and Field (Industrial) ergonomic services are available by request. See our Ergonomics page for more information and resources.
Services include:

  • Education for staff and training programs
  • Lifting mechanics and manual handling training
  • Office/computer workstation design and assessment
  • Equipment recommendations
  • Collaborating with contractor POC's for field ergonomics assessments, such as drum handling, tool use, work process, manual handling, etc.


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 Presentations and Training


Our Health and Wellness team can provide a variety of safety and health presentations. If your work group needs a safety topic or meeting on popular topics such as ergonomics, lifting techniques, biomechanics, office safety, exercise programs, shoulder injury reduction, back injury reduction, or carpal tunnel syndrome, we can arrange to provide that for you. If there is a specific issue of interest, contact us and we can develop an appropriate presentation. See our Training and Presentations page for more information.

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Back School


Back School offers courses on how to prevent and manage low back pain. There are two methods of delivery, the Classroom setting and the Workshop setting.

The Classroom setting consists of a four-week (one hour/week) program taught in a work group setting by our clinical exercise physiologists.  There is a limited class size (10 min, 20 max) and it will be held at a time and location that is best suited to the target group.  If you are an individual seeking help with back pain, our Work Conditioning service is available for custom program development.  Classroom sessions are progressive with information and skills learned throughout the class. Back School is great for those struggling with chronic low back pain and for those wanting to maintain a healthy back while leading a physically active lifestyle.

The Workshop setting is a 2-hour Back Health & Safety Refresher taught by our clinical exercise physiologists.  This workshop is held at HAMMER or at a convenient location on site.  The course is designed for Safety Representatives, Industrial Hygienists, Team Leads, Managers, and individuals with back pain or those wanting to maintain a healthy back.  The Hanford WorkFit modules are used as a tool for work groups to prevent back pain and maintain a healthy back.

The purpose of the Back School program is to provide education on the management and prevention of low back pain.  It is offered as a complementary service to Ergonomics, Training and Presentations and Work Conditioning.  Goals of the class are to:

  • Educate the workforce about common back injuries, signs and symptoms and basic rehabilitation.
  • Identify hazardous postures and situations to prevent injury.
  • Learn proper body mechanics for lifting, sitting, sleeping and standing that reduce back pain.
  • Develop skills to effectively manage and prevent back pain. 

Participants will receive a plan for managing back pain and maintaining a health back, class activities, instruction and take-home materials.  If you are interested in participating or need more information, please contact Laura Carpino at 376-9040.

Back School Information


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Hanford Workfit


This worksite stretching and fitness program consists of three modules: Daily Stretch, Strength and Conditioning, and Core and Balance. It is designed specifically for the worksite with peer leader training available as well as posters, printable materials and an interactive web application. Go to: Hanford WorkFit

Hanford WorkFit







Last Updated 10/05/2012 11:03 AM