Education and Community Involvement Branch

Carla Easter, Ph.D.

Carla Easter
Science Education Specialist
Education and Community Involvement Branch

B.S. University of California, Los Angeles
Ph.D. University of California, San Diego

phone (301) 594-1364
fax (301) 480-3066
Building 31, Room B1B55
31 Center Dr, MSC 2070
Bethesda, MD 20892-2070

Dr. Easter is the Science Education Specialist with the Education and Community Involvement Branch of the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI). Before coming to the NHGRI, she was director of outreach for Washington University School of Medicine's Genome Sequencing Center in St. Louis.

Before assuming her role as Outreach Director, Dr. Easter was a research associate in the Department of Education at Washington University. She served as project associate for the Quality Education for Minorities Network and the pre-college coordinator for the NASA Summer High School Apprenticeship Research Plus Program.

Dr. Easter conducted post-doctoral research at Washington University School of Medicine on the virulence factors associated with Streptococcus pyogenes, a gram positive bacterium that can cause a wide range of potentially life-threatening infections. Dr. Easter earned her B.S. degree in microbiology from the University of California, Los Angeles and her Ph.D. in biology with an emphasis on molecular genetics from the University of California, San Diego.

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Last Reviewed: December 13, 2011