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NIEHS Spotlight

Jennifer Adair, Ph.D., joined Nick McElhinny in a series of short presentations

Trainees Look Ahead to a New Year

The NIEHS Trainees Assembly (NTA) held its first General Assembly of the 2008-2009 year on July 25 in Rodbell Auditorium. The event gave trainees an opportunity to hear NIEHS Acting Director Sam Wilson, M.D., and NIEHS Office of Fellows Career Development (OFCD) Acting Director Diane Klotz, Ph.D. more

Enloe High School student Anand Kornepati, left, received his award from Charle League.

Summers of Discovery Recognizes Interns' Accomplishments

The NIEHS Summers of Discovery class of 2008 and its mentors enjoyed their annual day in the sun on June 30 when the program held its annual poster competition in the mall area of the Rall Building on the main campus in RTP. more

NIEHS Acting Director Sam Wilson, M.D.

Wilson Meets at USC to Brief Stakeholders

NIEHS Acting Director Samuel Wilson, M.D., traveled to California to meet on May 27 with veteran University of Southern California (USC) grantee John Peters, M.D., Sc.D. and two U. S. Congresswomen, Lucille Roybal-Allard and Hilda Solis. more

Barry Dellinger, Ph.D.

Superfund Grantee Honored by American Chemical Society

Louisiana State University (LSU) chemist and Superfund Basic Research Program (SBRP) grantee Barry Dellinger, Ph.D., was one of three scientists who received the prestigious Astellas USA Foundation Award. more

Dr. Crystal Watkins, M.D., Ph.D.

The Meyerhoff Model

Twenty years later, the University of Maryland, Baltimore County's efforts to increase the number of minorities pursuing graduate STEM degrees have become something to study and replicate. more

Ben Van Houten, Ph.D.

Van Houten Moves to Posts at University of Pittsburgh

In August, Ben Van Houten, Ph.D., left his positions as branch chief and senior investigator at NIEHS to accept dual appointments at the University of Pittsburgh (UP) School of Medicine and the UP Cancer Center in Pennsylvania. more

NIEHS Director Emeritus and Principal Investigator, Ken Olden, Ph.D.

Olden Leaves NIH to Start New School of Public Health

After a successful career as NIEHS Director Emeritus and Principal Investigator, Ken Olden, Ph.D., has left the Institute to set a precedent in public health education with the creation of the new School of Public Health on the Hunter College campus of the City University of New York (CUNY). more

Beard, second from right, is shown at the graduation with JFY staffers Paul Morse, Gary Kaplan and Craig Slatin.

Beard Recognized by Boston Training Program

Graduation day on June 12 at the Suffolk University Law School was a time to celebrate for the students receiving diplomas and certificates from JFYNetWorks, Boston's largest workforce and career development training center for youth and adults. more

Superfund Basic Research Program (SBRP)

Superfund Research Publication Reaches 5000

The Superfund Basic Research Program (SBRP) publication, Research Brief, grew out of a 1997 conversation involving Sam Wilson, M.D., now NIEHS acting director, Beth Anderson, SBRP program analyst, and NIEHS Acting Deputy Director William Suk, Ph.D. more

Inside the Institute

Friends and colleagues gather in the cafeteria

A Fond Farewell to Ben Van Houten

When his friends and colleagues decided to mark the departure of Ben Van Houten to his new position at the University of Pittsburgh, they decided to go all out. The more than 200 people who gathered in the NIEHS Cafeteria on July 30 found a wide range of refreshments lining the central buffet bar, decorations and a carefully planned program of reflection and tribute. more

Durham Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta

Science Camp Revamped for Third Successful Year

The Durham Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta marked several firsts when its members welcomed students to the third annual Science and Everyday Experiences (SEE) Summer Camp on June 28 at the chapter house in Durham. more

James Winget, D.C., of Raleigh Specific Chiropractic,

Health and Wellness Seminar Targets Nutrition

On August 19, NIEHS staffers gathered in Rodbell Auditorium to learn more about the integrative health/natural medicine approach to wellness in a talk on "The Science of Nutrition: How a Healthy Diet Creates a Healthy Future." more

Extramural Research

Extramural Update

New Grant Opportunities on Functional Characterization of Genetic Variants and Interactions
NIEHS and the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) have announced a pair of funding opportunities on behalf of the NIH Genes, Environment and Health Initiative. The closing date for applications under RFA-DA-09-003 and RFA-DA-09-004 is October 17, 2008. more

Extramural Papers of the Month

Intramural Research

Intramural Papers of the Month

Science Notebook

Alberto Ascherio, M.D., Dr.P.H.

Modifying Risk Factors in Neurodegenerative Diseases

Parkinson's disease (PD), multiple sclerosis (MS) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) are debilitating neurodegenerative illnesses, but many researchers are making strides in understanding these conditions and developing treatment and prevention strategies. more

Lisa DeRoo

Alcohol Binges Early in Pregnancy Increase Risk of Infant Oral Clefts

A new study by NIEHS epidemiologists shows that pregnant women who binge drink early in their pregnancy increase the likelihood that their babies will be born with oral clefts. The study appeared online July 30 in the American Journal of Epidemiology. more

Following the lecture, Crystal, right, spoke with NIEHS Acting Director Sam Wilson about ways his research approach can also offer insight into other environmental exposures' effects on respiratory diseases.

Gene Expression in Respiratory Disease

Noted research pulmonologist Ron Crystal, M.D., presented a lecture to NIEHS scientists on August 5 in Rodbell Auditorium titled "Why Are Some Individuals More Sensitive to the Environment than Others? more

Department Chair James Anderson, M.D., Ph.D., welcomed visitors from Duke and NIEHS to the 12th annual Research Day, which is held at the beginning of the academic year

UNC Research Day Highlights Human Neurological Disorders

A contingent of NIEHS scientists joined colleagues from Duke University and the University of North Carolina (UNC) on August 15 for Research Day 2008, hosted at the Chapel Hill Campus by the UNC Department of Cell and Molecular Physiology. more

Emmett recalled that industrial, legal and media representatives were inconvenienced by having to travel to the community to learn the results of the study. 'I think that [community first communication] was extremely important to the community.'

Grantee Presents Prize-Winning Environmental Justice Research

Edward Emmett, M.D., spoke to an audience of NIEHS and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) scientists gathered in Rodbell Auditorium on July 24. Hosted by NIEHS Program Analyst Liam O'Fallon, Emmett's talk on "Perfluorooctanoate (PFOA) from Teflon Manufacture: Studies of Community Exposure, Potential Risks and Effects of Intervention" was part of the NIEHS Frontiers of Environmental Sciences Lecture Series. more

Bucher began the meeting with a description of therevised multi-step review protocol adopted for the12th RoCin 2007. 'In this new arrangement,' he explained, 'the public meetings occur very early in the process.'

Expert Panel Conducts Scientific Review of Styrene

On July 21-22, 2008, an expert panel met at the Radisson Hotel Research Triangle Park, N.C. to evaluate styrene, which was nominated for possible listing in the 12th Report on Carcinogens (RoC). A majority of the panel members voted to recommend listing the compound as reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen. more

Principal Investigator Mike Resnick

Evolutionary Implications for Double-Strand DNA Breaks

A collaborative study, recently published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science by researchers from the NIEHS, Duke University and Brazil's Universidade Estadual de Campinas determined how DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) in chromosomes can lead to chromosomal aberrations (CAs) and reshape the genome. more

Distinguished Lecturer Richard Boucher

Upcoming Distinguished Lecturer Richard Boucher

The 2008 - 2009 NIEHS Distinguished Lecture Series will welcome its first speaker, Richard Boucher, M.D., at 11:00 a. m. September 8 in Rodbell Auditorium. Boucher will speak on "Cystic Fibrosis: A Failure of Lung Defense Against the Environment." more

Calendar of Upcoming Events

  • September 3
    Rodbell Auditorium, 8:30 - 5:00
    NIEHS-EPA Air Pollution Cardiovascular Research Grantees Meeting
  • September 4 - 5 (Offsite Event)
    Sheraton-Chapel Hill
    Genetic Susceptibility to Air Pollution Conference
  • September 8
    Rodbell Auditorium, 11:00 - 12:00
    Distinguished Lecture Seminar Series featuring Richard Boucher, M.D., speaking on "Cystic Fibrosis: A Failure of Lung Defense Against the Environment"
  • September 9
    Rodbell Auditorium, 8:00 - 5:30
    NAEHS Council Meeting
  • September 9
    D-250, 1:00 - 3:00
    Seminar on Aging and Arthritis - Quality of Life and Issues Related to Disability with Leigh Callahan, Ph.D.
  • September 11 - 12
    Rodbell Auditorium, 8:30 - 5:00
    High Throughput Screening Approaches for Toxicology
  • September 15
    Rodbell Auditorium, 10:00 - 11:00
    LMG Fellows Seminar with Christophe Herman, Ph.D., speaking on "Beyond Mutation: Transcription and Protein Folding Errors Generate Heritable Epigenetic Change"
  • September 21 - 24 (Offsite Event)
    Cluj-Napoca, Romania
    Central and Eastern European Conference on Health and the Environment: The Environment - A Platform for Health
  • September 22
    Rall Cafeteria, 2:30 -4:00
    Marian Johnson-Thompson, Ph.D., retirement reception
  • September 25
    Rall Building Executive Conference Room
    11:00 - 12:30
    Hispanic Heritage Month Seminar with Denise Moreno

View More Events: NIEHS Public Calendar

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