CDC - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  NIDDK - National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases

NDEP is a partnership of the National Institutes of Health, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and more than 200 public and private organizations.

You are here: NDEP Home>Resources>What is NDEP Promoting This Quarter?

What is NDEP Promoting this Quarter?

American Heart Month
Raise awareness about the link between diabetes and your heart.

NDEP's 15th Anniversary
For the last 15 years, NDEP and partners have worked together to Change the Way Diabetes is Treated.

Promotions Calendar

Find out what NDEP is doing to promote diabetes awareness and how our partners can participate.

February 2013 Print this month
All Month /
February 14
American Heart Month and Valentine’s Day
All Month Black History Month
March 2013 Print this month
All Month /
March 14
National Kidney Month and World Kidney Day
March 26 Diabetes Alert Day
All Month National Nutrition Month
April 2013 Print this month
All Month Minority Health Month
All Month Foot Health Awareness Month
TBD Participate in NDEP’s Quarterly Partner Promotions Call.
  • More information to come
May 2013 Print this month
May 12 /
May 12-18
Mother’s Day (May 12) and National Women’s Health Week (May 12-18)
All Month Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month
All Month Healthy Vision Month
All Month Older Americans Month
All Month Employee Health and Fitness Month
June 2013 Print this month
All Month /
June 10-16 /
June 16
National Men’s Health Month (All Month) / National Men’s Health Week (June 10-16) & Father’s Day (June 16)
In This Section