Performance Assurance for Federal Environment, Safety, and Health (ES&H) Functions

Management System: Environment, Safety, and Health

Subject Area: Performance Assurance for Federal Environment, Safety, and Health (ES&H) Functions

Point of Contact: LEIF DIETRICH
Management System Owner: PATRICK SMITH
Secondary Management System Owner:     KARL MORO

SCMS Home Page | Revision History | Subject Area Definitions

Issue Date:  09/10/2012
SCMS Revision:  2.0

1.0 Introduction

Office of Science (SC) organizations are expected to maintain a performance assurance process to ensure that Federal staff are implementing their Environment, Safety, and Health (ES&H) requirements and responsibilities. Performance assessments are used to measure SC performance collectively, as well as SC organizations’ ES&H performance against mission, goals, objectives, etc., and to provide feedback and improvement mechanisms for needed improvements and corrective actions. The assurance process ensures SC compliance with program requirements and line management oversight of ES&H responsibilities.  This Subject Area identifies the ES&H expectations and requirements relating to performance assurance for Federal functions, including the Central Technical Authority's (CTA's) role in performance assurance (Appendix A in DOE O 450.2, Integrated Safety Management).

The Assessment of Federal Performance, including self-assessments, need to be performed at all levels within the SC Organization (i.e., at the Deputy Director for Field Operations Level, at the Integrated Support Center Level, and at the Field Office Level) and are as specified in DOE O 226.1B, Implementation of Department of Energy Oversight Policy. Procedures on how to perform the assessments are provided in the Subjects Areas of the SC Quality Assurance and Oversight Management System and apply to SC staff responsible for ES&H.

2.0 Contents


Procedure Content

1. Interfacing with the Central Technical Authority and the Chief of Nuclear Safety


  • Ensure mandatory nuclear safety requirements (as defined in DOE O 410.1) are included in new prime contracts and updates.
  • Ensure exemptions and exceptions to nuclear safety requirements (as defined in DOE O 410.1) are identified by the contractor and submitted to the SC Site Offices in prime contracts and updates.
  • Request assistance for various assessment reviews.
  • Perform quarterly briefing.
  • Prepare and provide an annual report.
  • Communicate identified issues and trends.
  • Provide advice.

3.0 Exhibits/Forms

4.0 Related Information

5.0 Requirements

Document Title Requirement Decision Record
10 CFR 830

Nuclear Safety Management


10 CFR 830, Subpart B

Safety Basis Requirements


DEAR 970.5204-2

Laws, Regulations, and DOE Directives (DEC 2000) (Also Called The Laws Clause)


DOE O 410.1

Central Technical Authority Responsibilities Regarding Nuclear Safety Requirements


DOE O 450.2

Integrated Safety Management


DOE P 450.4A

Integrated Safety Management Policy


6.0 Definitions


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Filename: /OrbitSearch/SubjArea/PAF/PAF_SA.cfm
Last Major SCMS Revision: 09/10/2012