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Revision History: Implementing the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Within the Office of Science (SC)

Approved and Published Versions of this Subject Area

Date Description
Dec 11, 2012
(Rev. 2.0)
This major revision is part of the annual review update and performs the following: (1) Subject Area Description: Updates Section 1.0, “Introduction,” with minor revisions; revises bullets for Procedure 1, changes; title of Procedure 4, and adds Procedures 13 and 14 to Section 2.0, “Contents;” revises information in Section 3.0, “Exhibits/Forms;” revises references in Section 4.0, “Related Information;” and revises requirements in Section 5.0, “Requirements.” (2) Definitions: Moves from Exhibit 1, automates, and updates. (3) Procedure 1, “Implementing the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) within the Office of Science (SC):” Revises Section 1.0, “Applicability;” revises Steps 1 to 7 and adds Step 8; revises Section 3.0, “References.” (4) Procedure 2, “Establishing the Level of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Review and Documentation:” Revises Section 1.0; revises Step 1; adds new Steps 2 and 3 and renumbers thereafter; revises new Steps 4 and 5; deletes new Step 6 and renumbers thereafter; revises new Step 6, 7, and 8; and revises Section 3.0. (5) Procedure 3, “Preparing National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Annual Planning Summaries and Monthly Reports:” Revises Section 1.0; revises Steps 1 to 5; deletes Step 6; and revises Section 3.0. (6) Procedure 4, “Implementing Generic Categorical Exclusion (CX) Determinations:” Revises title; revises Section 1.0; revises Step 1; adds new Step 2 and renumbers thereafter; revises new Steps 3 to 5; and revises Section 3.0. (7) Procedure 5, “Following the Environmental Assessment (EA) Process:” Revises title; revises Section 1.0; revises introduction paragraph in Section 2.0; “Required Procedure;” adds/deletes/revises all Steps; and revises Section 3.0. (8) Procedure 6, “Following the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Process:” Revises title; revises Section 1.0; revises introduction paragraph in Section 2.0;” adds/deletes/revises all Steps; and revises Section 3.0. (9) Procedure 7, “Complying with Floodplain and Wetland Requirements:” Revises Section 1.0; all Steps; and Section 3.0. (10) Procedure 8, “Managing Historic and Cultural Resources:” Revises Section 1.0; revises Steps 1 to 7; deletes Step 8 and renumbers thereafter; revises new Steps 8 and 9; and revises Section 3.0. (11) Procedure 9, “Conducting Public Participation Under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA):” Revises Section 1.0, all Steps, and Section 3.0. (12) Procedure 10, “Preparing Quality Assurance (QA) Plans for the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Process:” Revises title; revises Section 1.0; revises Steps 1 to 3; adds new Step 4; and revises Section 3.0. (13) Procedure 11, “Complying with the Endangered Species Act:” Revises Section 1.0, all Steps, and Section 3.0. (14) Procedure 12, “Obtaining a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Document Preparer:” Revises Section 1.0, all Steps, and Section 3.0. (15) Procedure 13, “Following the Environmental Critique and Environmental Synopsis Processes:” RESERVED (16) Procedure 14, “Maintaining Administrative Records for the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Process:” Addition of new procedure. (17) Exhibit 1, “Acronyms:” Updates title, converts from Word to HTML/CFM, moves and automates definitions, and updates the Exhibit. (19) Exhibit 3, “National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Environmental Evaluation Notification Form (Example):” Updates title and the exhibit. (20) Exhibit 4, “Instructions for Preparing the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Environmental Evaluation Notification Form (Example):” Updates title and the Exhibit. (23) Exhibit 7, “Public Participation Activities, Responsibilities, and Timing:” Updates title, moves from Word to HTML/CFM format, and replaces this Exhibit with new one. Old exhibit titled “Guidelines for Administrative Record Documentation” was incorporated into Procedure 14. (26) Exhibit 10, “Delegations of Authority and NEPA Compliance Officer (NCO) Designations:” Revises title, combines Exhibits 11 to 16 into Exhibit 10 and adds more subexhibits. (27) Exhibit 11, “Delegation of Authority - Argonne Site Office:” Moves to Exhibit 10 and deletes jump page. (28) Exhibit 12, “Delegation of Authority - Brookhaven Site Office:” Moves to Exhibit 10 and deletes jump page. (29) Exhibit 13, “Delegation of Authority - Chicago Office:” Moves to Exhibit 10 and deletes jump page. (30) Exhibit 14, “Delegation of Authority - Fermi Site Office:” Moves to Exhibit 10 and deletes jump page. (31) Exhibit 15, “Delegation of Authority - Princeton Site Office:” Moves to Exhibit 10 and deletes jump page. (32) Exhibit 16, “Delegation of Authority - Oak Ridge Office:” Moves to Exhibit 10 and deletes jump page.
Sep 9, 2009
(Rev. 1.8)
This minor revision is a result of a comparison of requirements contained in the Management System Description and Subject Areas in the Environment, Safety, and Health management system, which revealed several discrepancies. The minor revision performed on this Subject Area corrects those discrepancies.
Jul 28, 2009
(Rev. 1.7)
This minor revision updated organizational information in Exhibit 10, “Delegations of Authority.”
Jan 5, 2009
(Rev. 1.6)
This minor revision removes restricted access and corrects 72 broken links.
Aug 26, 2008
(Rev. 1.5)
This minor revision updates role titles to reflect SC organizational changes.
Jun 26, 2008
(Rev. 1.4)
This minor revision updates a link in the Subject Area and Procedure 9.
Jun 5, 2008
(Rev. 1.3)
This minor revision to this subject area removes restricted access
Apr 24, 2008
(Rev. 1.2)
This minor revision updates an exhibit to remove the draft watermark and updates a link in Procedure 5.
Mar 14, 2008
(Rev. 1.1)
This minor revision removed redline/strikeout markups from an Exhibit and another Exhibit's file type was changed to improve accessibility.
Mar 11, 2008
(Rev. 1.0)
This Subject Area describes how to provide for informed decision-making by assessing the potential for Federal actions to impact the human environment. NEPA’s implementing regulations, 40 CFR 1500-1508, Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) Regulations for Implementing the Procedural Provisions of the National Environmental Quality Act and 10 CFR 1021, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) National Environmental Policy Act Implementing Procedures, lay out the framework.