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Revision History: Federal Employee Occupational Safety and Health (FEOSH)

Approved and Published Versions of this Subject Area

Date Description
Oct 1, 2012
(Rev. 1.7)
This minor revision is part of the annual review and performs the following: (1) Subject Area Description: Updates DOE O 440.1B to DOE O 440.1B, Change 1, in 2nd paragraph of Section 1.0, “Introduction;” and deletes DOE HQ O 442.1 from Section 4.0,”Related Information.” (2) Definitions: Minor update to add FEOSH acronym to “FEOSH Program Manager/Coordinator” definition. (3) Procedure 1, “Reporting Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses:” Changes “employees” to “an employee” in Step 1; adds single quote to workers in Step 1 Note; reworded Step 2 to put action receiver at end; adds missing parenthesis to Step 3b; adds single quote to workers in Step 3b; spells out OSHA in Step 3 Note; adds CAIRS acronym to Step 5; updates DOE M 231.1-1A, Change 2, to DOE O 231.1B in Step 5; updates DOE O 231.1A, Change 1, and DOE M 231.1-1A, Change 2, to DOE O 231.1B; and DOE O 440.1B to DOE O 440.1B, Change 1, in Section 3.0, “References.” (4) Procedure 2, “Conducting an Annual Unannounced Workplace Safety and Health Inspection:” Adds “the” as needed in procedure; spells out OSHA in Step 3; deletes unneeded quote from end of Step 3; removes brackets from last sentence in Step 5; updates action taker in Step 6; updates DOE O 440.1B to DOE O 440.1B, Change 1, in Section 3.0; and re-orders Section 3.0, alphabetically. (5) Procedure 3, “Informal Reporting of Safety and Health Concerns:” Adds “the” as needed in procedure; broke apart sentences into bullets in Step 2, 3, and 4; spells out M&O in Step 4 Note; and updates DOE O 440.1B to DOE O 440.1B, Change 1, in Section 3.0. (6) Procedure 4, “Conducting Hazard Analysis for Office Environments” Adds “the” before “manager/supervisor” in Steps 1, 4, and 5; and updates DOE O 440.1B to DOE O 440.1B, Change 1, in Section 3.0. (7) Exhibit 1, “Management Responsibilities:” Converts file from Word to HTML/CFM; adds ISM acronym to Bullet 4;spells out SC in Bullet 7; and spells out OSHA in Bullet 10. (8) Exhibit 2, “Employee Rights and Responsibilities:” Converts file from Word to HTML/CFM. (9) Exhibit 3, “Recognized Hazards and Controls for Office Type Environments:” Converts file from Word to HTML/CFM. (10) Exhibit 4, “OSHA Forms for Recording Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses (OSHA 300, 300A, and 301 Forms):” Updates format of Exhibit jump page to latest SCMS standards. (11) Exhibit 5, “DOE F 5484.3, Individual Accident/Incident Report:” Updates format of Exhibit jump page to latest SCMS standards. (12) Exhibit 6, “Transmittal Memorandum for Safety and Health Inspection Reports (Example):” Updates format of Exhibit jump page to latest SCMS standards; updated AMESH to AMSTS; and updated Safety and Health Division to Health and Safety Services Division.
Sep 4, 2012
(Rev. 1.6)
Per Annual Review, no revisions required
Jul 12, 2012
(Rev. 1.6)
This minor revision automates Section 2.0, “Content,” in the subject area description. It also corrects broken and redirected links.
May 11, 2011
(Rev. 1.5)
This minor revision automates definitions.
Sep 1, 2009
(Rev. 1.4)
This minor revision is a result of a comparison of requirements contained in the Management System Description and Subject Areas in the Environment, Safety, and Health management system, which revealed several discrepancies. The minor revision performed on this Subject Area corrects those discrepancies.
06/30/2010 The annual review identified no revisions for this subject area.
Nov 24, 2008
(Rev. 1.3)
This minor revision removes restricted access from one file and cleans up some code on several others.
Jun 5, 2008
(Rev. 1.2)
This minor revision to this subject area removes restricted access.
Apr 3, 2008
(Rev. 1.1)
This minor revision adds tracking of the SCMS revision number within the Exhibits.
Mar 4, 2008
(Rev. 1.0)
This subject area describes components of an effective occupational safety and health program for Federal employees. Individual site programs may address areas such as ergonomics, establishment of Safety and Health Committees, threat assessment teams, safety and health fairs, etc., which are not required but can enhance the overall Federal Employee Occupational Safety and Health (FEOSH) Program.