Records Management

Management System Description:

Records Management

Management System Owner:  CATHERINE MARCIANTE
Secondary Management System Owner:   GEORGETTE LANE
Point of Contact:   GEORGETTE LANE

| SCMS Home Page | Purpose | Responsibilities | Requirements | Subject Areas | References | Delegations | Revision History |

Issue Date:  05/29/2012
SCMS Revision:  2.6

1.0 Purpose

The Office of Science (SC) Records Management System establishes a cost‑effective, efficient solution to the management of documents. The system, or program, maintains accurate evidence of Agency activities and guarantees the creation, maintenance, and proper disposition of valuable records. At the operational level, records management is critical to the successful mission of SC and provides evidence of unit activities, organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, and operations. Sound records management principles protect the legal and financial rights of the government and individuals, preserve historical legacy information, and facilitate the effective retrieval of essential information. The Records Management System also confirms compliance with additional record‑keeping requirements in all mission‑related functions.

2.0 Responsibilities

The Oak Ridge Records Officer is the Point of Contact (POC) for the Records Management System.

The table below represents roles and responsibilities specific to this Management System. For a detailed description of SCMS roles and responsibilities, please see the SCMS R2A2.

Roles Responsibilities

Department of Energy (DOE) Chief Information Officer

  • Establishes the records management program.

Departmental Records Officer (DRO)

  • Manages the Departmental Records Management Program.

  • Develops and implements Departmental policy and procedures.

SC Deputy Director for Field Operations

  • Appoints an SC Lead for Records Management.

Records Management Program Officer

  • Responsible for all records management activities of the SC complex, including Site Offices and tenant organizations.

  • Interprets and implements records policy for SC.

  • Serves as the liaison between the DRO and the Field organizations.

Records Liaison Officer (RLO)

  • Coordinates records management activity at the local site.

  • Acts as the POC for issues, concerns, and questions regarding records management activities at the local site.

Records Custodian

  • Controls, maintains, protects, and ensures proper disposition of records.

  • Ensures records are legible and reproducible.

3.0 Management System Operation

3.1 Overview

Records management at SC is a life‑cycle application of systematic controls to manage the creation, distribution, use, maintenance, retention, disposition, storage, and archival preservation of records required to support statutory, regulatory, fiscal, operational, and historical activities within our organizations. The SC records management solution is capable of handling multiple media and fluctuations in volume and has stringent procedures for ensuring accuracy, speed, and appropriate security of data applications.

Creating a records management solution is the responsibility of the Site Records Officer, and the focus is knowing what data are important to collect, how the data can be preserved efficiently, how the data will be used, and how the data should be indexed to facilitate retrieval. The records management solution applies management principles and efficiency through an understanding of each site's needs. SC has the facilities, quality processes, security procedures, and technologies to handle various types of information and adjust to varying volumes with accuracy, speed, and economy. Our records management life‑cycle expertise partnered with our expertise in health, energy, education, legal and justice, gives SC the strategic support needed to determine how best to manage our data resources.

3.2 Key Functions/Services and Processes

Heads of Federal agencies are required by statute to create adequate and proper documentation of their programs, policies, and procedures in the form of Federal records to effectively manage these records and to carry out their appropriate disposition. In addition, agency records are a primary means by which the public can monitor and assess agency activities. Therefore, appropriate records management becomes a clear and effective mechanism for identification, access control, and storage of records necessary to ensure that DOE and stakeholder needs are met.

The process through which records are created, tracked, stored, and dispositioned is known as the records life cycle. Key functions within the records life cycle include:

The Roadmap to the Year 2000 is a Tactical Plan that is utilized as a structural document for DOE's Records Management program. The Roadmap reflects the Department's commitment to manage its recorded information in an efficient and effective manner in support of mission accomplishment and accountability. The Records Management program consists of the following Program and Technical Elements:

4.0 Requirements

4.1 Primary Responsibility

This Management System has primary responsibility for ("owns") the following requirements:

Requirement Decision Record
DOE O 243.1A Records Management Program Completed
DOE O 243.2 Vital Records Completed
18 U.S.C., Section 2071 Concealment, Removal, Or Mutilation Generally (Of Federal Records) Completed
40 U.S.C., Section 1401 Clinger-Cohen Act Of 1996 Completed

4.2 Parsed Responsibility

This Management System is not responsible for any parsed requirements.

5.0 Subject Areas, Program Descriptions, and Guidance Documents

The following Subject Areas are maintained by this Management System:

6.0 References

7.0  Delegations

There are no delegations currently affecting this Management System.

Last Annual Review: No Previous Review
Annual Review Period: Fourth Quarter

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Filename: /OrbitSearch/MSD/RMS/RMS_MS.cfm
Last Major SCMS Revision: 03/13/2008