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The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, or NATO, is a military alliance formed of twenty-eight member states. It is also known as OTAN, from Organisation du traité de l'Atlantique Nord, or as the North Atlantic Alliance. Its function is to provide a collaborative system of mutual defence in the event of an attack on a member state by a third party. The organisation's headquarters is situated in Brussels.

NATO members

The majority of NATO members are European or North American countries. The most recent additions to the NATO nations were Albania and Croatia, both of which joined in April 2009. As well as these countries, the organisation works with a large number of other states in running or cooperating with a range of formal and informal partnerships worldwide. Twenty-two countries take part in the Partnership for Peace initiative, and fifteen more are enrolled in institutionalised talks.

NATO originated with the North Atlantic Treaty, signed on April 4th, 1949, in Washington DC. At this time there were twelve members, five of which had signed the Treaty of Brussels in 1948.

These NATO members formally agreed that an attack on one member country would be considered an attack on them all, and an appropriate response delivered.

NATO nations

It would be over fifty years before Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty was invoked. This is the article which states that an attack on one member of the treaty organisation constitutes an attack on all members. Following the attacks on the USA in September 2011, NATO members mobilised to contain the threat. Forces under ISAF, the International Security Assistance Force, were dispatched to Afghanistan, and the organisation remains closely involved. Amongst other duties, NATO nations assist with training in Iraq and maintain the no-fly zone over Libya. They are also committed to counter-piracy operations.

The underlying purpose of NATO is to ensure safety and freedom for its member countries by deploying political and military measures as is deemed necessary. It is a unique forum for defence and international cooperation, as well as a powerful military force: over 70% of worldwide expenditure on defence is by NATO nations

Ahmad Nader Nadery
Four prominent Afghans give their views on the country’s elections, priorities, women’s rights and fight against corruption.
US flag
US bloggers, journalists and communications experts reveal how they would try to bring NATO closer to the US public.
Stanislava Mladenova has spent half her life in Europe, half in the US. Here she describes the role NATO has played in bringing the strands together.
Inside Out 2
Italian Minister of Defence, Admiral Giampaolo Di Paola, talks about switching from being at the heart of an international alliance to a minister in a national government.
ISAF-The_Mara_Wara_Bridge-October 2009
NATO’s Diego A. Ruiz Palmer analyses the 20 years of NATO operations that started in 1992 – and looks at how the ones over the next 20 years may look.
Daalder military
Ivo Daalder, US Ambassador to NATO, has crossed many divides. From being a European to an American, an academic to a diplomat - and more. Here he explains how it’s helped him at NATO
Ragoussis 2 NATO
The Alternate Minister of National Defence of Greece, Yiannis Ragoussis, tells NATO Review how important NATO is for Greece, as well as about his country’s active membership in NATO.
Skordeli 2 NATO
Dr Marina Skordeli analyses the strategic importance and location of Greece and Turkey and how each country derives its significance from different considerations and threat assessments.
Greece Turkey Adhesion to NATO
Here we reprint the 'Resolution on the accession of Greece and Turkey to the North Atlantic Treaty', signed in 1952.
3. cyber
For a truly modern approach to bringing NATO up to speed on 21st century security threats, the Alliance needs smart spending, more commitment and clearer planning, argues Dr Jacquelyn Davis.
Robertson E
Being NATO Secretary General is always a job fraught with challenges and surprises. But on 11 September, 2001, Lord Robertson had one of the most extraordinary experiences of any NATO Secretary General. Here, he recounts how the day panned out.
2B. Prague Summit
In retrospect, instead of heralding NATO's decline, "09/11" became the catalyst for the most fundamental changes in NATO's history, argues Michael Ruhle. Yet for the NATO Allies, the questions they had to ponder from the outset were as obvious as they were profound.
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Dmitri Trenin, Director of the Carnegie Moscow Center, looks at where the NATO-Russia relations are today
Russian troops around Pristina
That NATO and Russia are partners is not in dispute, argues Vincent Pouliot. The problems start though when it comes to defining who is the senior partner. And on this, a largely polite, but ongoing, disagreement seems to characterise the relationship.
James Sherr
James Sherr of Chatham House contends that different understanding on either side of the NATO-Russia relationship keep leading to unwanted outcomes. And until this bridge is broached, cooperation will not lead to harmony, he argues.
Robert Pszczel
Robert Pszczel is NATO's face in Russia. As the head of NATO's Information Office in Moscow, he now both talks about - and listens to opinions on - NATO's evolving partnership with Russia. Here he explains some of the feedback - and why it's positive to be an optimist.
GeorgianWar_1_R_Vasily Fedosenko
There have been major improvements in the practical cooperation between NATO and Russia, argues Andrew Monaghan. But deeper, real meetings of minds about each other's roles remain elusive.
Image Sweden
Few countries have had such a frontline partnership role with NATO as Sweden. From Bosnia to Libya, it has participated continously in NATO-led operations. How does it see the changes in NATO's new partnership structures?
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NATO is changing the way it works with its partners. Ambassador Dirk Brengelmann, Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs and Security Policy, explains what these changes mean to both sides.
Are NATO's partnerships becoming more or less important? Are they a cheaper way of offering security? And are they the key to a comprehensive approach to security? This video looks at how NATO's relationships are changing, why and who's benefiting.
Photo 1 (NATO)
Take the biggest political-military alliance in history, protecting over 900 million people. And then take the world's second biggest country, whose population has just moved past the 1 billion mark. How could these two work together? Michael Ruehle looks at what could be one of NATO's biggest ever partnerships.
Who are NATO's partners? And what do they do? This photostory presents some facts and figures outlining the nations who work with NATO.
Richard Nixon copyright Oliver Atkins
A leading Chinese journalist gives his personal opinion on how his impression of NATO has changed. And gives some advice on how NATO should change.
Japanese air fueling
Many of NATO's new partners come from in or around Asia. Michito Tsuruoka looks into how each side views the arrangement - and how they both benefit.
NATO's first Strategic Concept for eleven years was often portrayed as a balancing act. For instance, how to balance new threats with old ones? How to accommodate the interests of small countries and big ones? Now that it has been signed, how was the Concept seen?
Fossil fuel 1
There are many roads leading from energy to security. Michael Rühle outlines the reasons for NATO’s interest in energy security and what difference it could make.
Youtube 1
"Building peace" tells of NATO's gradual engagement in support of United Nations' efforts to end the Bosnian War (1992-1995) and the deployment of its first peacekeeping force in December 1995. NATO's mission continued for nine years until responsibility for security was handed over to the European Union in December 2004.
Youtube 2
"Reforming the military" shows how NATO's support for essential defence reforms in Bosnia and Herzegovina has helped downsize the armed forces and turn them into a single military force under state-level control. Progress made allowed the country to join NATO's Partnership for Peace in 2006.
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"The road to integration" highlights the country's deepening partnership with NATO and provides an insight into the challenges ahead on the road to the country's possible membership of the Alliance.
Lisbon 2
As some of the world's major leaders arrive in Lisbon to cement NATO's new Strategic Concept, NATO Review looks at how the city might be the perfect location to sign the concept.
The mantra of "together, we're stronger" is often heard in these taxing times. But two major security organisations are already finding that, although the phrase may be a cliché, it’s also true.
Ambassador Gábor Iklódy
As the world's challenges and threats have evolved, so has NATO. A new NATO division in the organisation is rarely newsworthy. But this time, it shows real intent to make sure that NATO matches the changing world around it.
The mid-term election results are not all bad news for President Obama - but their impact on his foreign policy could be more difficult to predict.
Guy Robert Picture
What role do nuclear issues have in NATO? How does the Alliance see the changes in the nuclear political landscape this year and how will this be reflected in its new Strategic Concept?
Reuters-Christian Charisius
There has not been a single incident of terrorist arrests in the Mediterranean since the beginning of counter-terrorist operations started there in 2001. Here, a member of the operation explains how the sea is kept safe.
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What's changed since 1999 - video 2 : We’re 10 years on from the last Strategic Concept. What were the factors in play when 1999’s version was drawn up – and how did it differ from today? This short video provides an outline.
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Views and interviews - video 3: What are the personal opinions of some of those connected with the drawing up of the new Strategic Concept? How far can it go? In this section, we offer face to face interviews with some key players.
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Views and interviews - video 2: What are the personal opinions of some of those connected with the drawing up of the new Strategic Concept? How far can it go? In this section, we offer face to face interviews with some key players.
image finally 1
The importance of the new concept for NATO - For some, the most important changes the Strategic Concept must bring are in what NATO does. For others, it will be how NATO does it - especially in terms of the organisation’s workings. Here we set out the different priorities.
Image other themes 3
Views and interviews - video 4: What are the personal opinions of some of those connected with the drawing up of the new Strategic Concept? How far can it go? In this section, we offer face to face interviews with some key players.
New File
François Melese argues that the impact of the financial crisis on security cannot be underestimated. And he looks at whether it originated in the private or public sector.
Sec Gen Worner
From NATO’s inception until now, the changing role of the Secretary General has been one of the more interesting transformations of the Alliance.
Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer.
Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, NATO’s Secretary General, speaking before his final NATO Summit, claims that there are three major challenges facing the NATO Alliance.
New File
As NATO prepares to draft a new Strategic Concept, Jan Petersen highlights the issues he feels it needs to address.
NATO meeting
Charles Kupchan of the Council of Foreign Relations outlines where NATO has to make some difficult decisions: Russia, consensus and global reach.
New File
So you know what NATO stands for. But how much more do you know about the Alliance? These 20 questions will test your knowledge on what it is and what it does.
Since the birth of NATO 60 years ago, there has been a number of key events in its history. This photostory provides a brief snapshot of some of those moments.
New File
Denmark's Minister of Defence, Soren Gade, outlines Denmark's take on emerging High North issues, covering areas such as Greenland, search and rescue, and oil.
Abqaiq oil platform attack
Is more cooperation with NATO the solution for small states dealing with big security issues? Abdulaziz Sager says yes for the Gulf States.
no. 1 photo: Montenegro copyright NATO
Where's the guidebook for starting a new state's armed forces from scratch? Montenegro's defence minister outlines how his country managed - and NATO's role.
Australian soldiers
Ron Asmus argues that NATO's partnerships have to evolve as much, and as quickly, as the security threats they tackle.
Hoop Scheffer
Bucharest has four major areas where Bucharest can make a difference, says NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer. Here he tells NATO Review what they are and why they are so important. And how he sees these issues 'beyond Bucharest'
At first sight, NATO and Madonna may not seem to have much in common. But here, Peter van Ham makes a compelling case that one has shown a knack of successful self-reinvention - and the other one needs to.
Diego A. Ruiz Palmer looks at the growing risks posed at sea, how NATO has reacted and what it needs to do to ensure it keeps pace with a changing maritime risk environment.
At the end of November, the United Nations’ World Health Organization assessed the risk of a pandemic to be level three out of six.
Patrick Stephenson reviews Rebecca Moore’s “NATO’s new mission” and analyses whether it gives a full picture of where the Alliance is heading.
David S. Yost explores how NATO could further combine its strengths with those of other international organizations.
The World Bank defines post conflict reconstruction (PCR) as 'supporting the transition from conflict to peace through rebuilding a country's socioeconomic framework'. How far can NATO go in this PCR role? Here, Manjana Milkoreit gives her personal view that NATO could be the best equipped organization for PCR.
Ryan Hendrickson looks at how Sweden has managed to get the best from both neutrality and NATO.
Dr Amadeo Watkins and Srdjan Gligorijevic discuss the past, present and immediate future of NATO's role in the western Balkans.
Dmitri Trenin takes a hard look at the NATO-Russia relationship on the fifth anniversary of the NATO-Russia Council and the tenth of the Paris Founding Act on Mutual Relations.
Dr Masako Ikegami looks at the NATO-Japan relationship and offers her recommendations for improving East Asian security.
Professor Grigoriy M. Perepelytsia gives his personal perspective on the choices facing Ukraine in its relations with the North Atlantic Alliance.
NATO_European Union
Professor Adrian Pop examines the evolving relationship between the European Union and the Atlantic Alliance.
Paul Fritch reflects on developments over the last decade in the relationship between the former Cold War adversaries.
Fritz Rademacher explores possibilities for NATO to share its expertise with Mediterranean Dialogue and Istanbul Cooperation Initiative countries.
Friedrich Steinhäusler describes the asymmetric threats that face the transatlantic community and NATO's efforts to confront them.
Christopher Bennett reviews four recent publications on NATO
Jonathan Parish invites us into NATO's kitchen, where he shares his recipes for preparing declarations, communiqués and other rhetorical hors d'oeuvres.
Should NATO play a major role in energy security? Gal Luft vs. Christophe Paillard
Victoria Nuland explains how the practical demands of NATO operations in Afghanistan have pushed the Alliance beyond its theoretical limitations.
Pierre Lellouche offers his thoughts ahead of the Riga Summit.
Diego A. Ruiz Palmer considers the ever-closer relationship between NATO's operations and the Alliance's transformation since the end of the Cold War.
Allen G. Sens argues that NATO's transformation must be broader than is currently conceived if the Alliance is to meet the security challenges of tomorrow.
While the Alliance is taking the fight to the Taliban, a downrange visit by James Snyder reveals the progress being made behind the front lines.
Sten Rynning looks at what choices the Alliance must take if it is to renew itself.
Mario Bartoli examines progress in improving Alliance capabilities.
In anticipation of the Riga Summit, David S. Yost analyses the issues behind NATO's debate on missile defence.
Jamie Shea explains why energy security is an issue for the Alliance.
Rafael L. Bardají versus Daniel Keohane
Stephan De Spiegeleire and Rem Korteweg consider a variety of scenarios for the Alliance's future.
James Pardew and Christopher Bennett examine how NATO's focus has shifted towards operations and the challenges ahead.
Maurits Jochems examines NATO's role in disaster relief in the wake of Hurricane Katrina and the South Asian earthquake.
Mustafa Alani presents his analysis of Arab attitudes to NATO and how the Alliance may seek to overcome stereotypes and prejudices.
Martin van Creveld presents an Israeli’s view of Israeli-NATO relations and prospects for peace in the Middle East from a historical perspective.
Julian Lindley-French articulates seven strategic messages for the Euro-Atlantic community.
Michael Rühle explains how and why NATO must become a more effective forum for political debate.
Dagmar de Mora-Figueroa examines how NATO has responded to the terrorist threat since the 11 September terrorist attacks against the United States.
Gijs de Vries became the European Union’s first counter-terrorism coordinator in March 2004.
NATO’s Multinational Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Defence Battalion is both an effective solution to a capabilities shortfall and a model for future NATO transformation.
Andrei Kelin describes how NATO and Russia are forging an increasingly effective partnership to combat the terrorist threat.
NATO is strengthening the Alliance’s missile defence capabilities in response to the growing threat posed by the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their delivery systems.
Peter Viggo Jakobsen VERSUS David Lightburn
Helga Haftendorn analyses the debates and events surrounding Germany's accession to NATO 50 years ago.
Ronald D. Asmus examines the remake that NATO requires to meet the challenges of the post-post Cold war era that are centred beyond Europe
yes & no
Espen Barth Eide VERSUS Frédéric Bozo
Robert G. Bell assesses implementation of NATO's Prague, Norfolk and Munich transformation agendas.
Anthony H. Cordesman analyses the rationale behind force transformation on both sides of the Atlantic and the results to date.
C. Richard Nelson analyses NATO's contribution to the fight against terrorism and suggests how it might be enhanced.
Ryan C. Hendrickson assesses the legacy of Manfred Wörner, NATO's seventh Secretary General, ten years after his death.
Stefan Melnik reviews an Alliance primer.
Adam Kobieracki examines the evolution of NATO's operations and considers prospects for future deployments.
General James L. Jones examines how the Alliance has reformed its military structures since the Prague Summit and the development of the NATO Response Force.
Chris Donnelly examines how NATO's experience with the Partnership for Peace might help build a comparable programme in the Greater Middle East.
Mohamed Kadry Said offers a Southern assessment of NATO's Mediterranean Dialogue, ten years after its creation.
Lord Robertson looks back on his time as Secretary General and reflects on Alliance history, transformation and prospects.
Air Vice-Marshal Andrew Vallance explains how NATO's Command Structure has been revamped to meet the security demands of the 21st century.
"Tell us, Gospodin Welberts, What is the NATO-Russia Council really about? Is NATO now ready to take Russia's interests into consideration? Who guarantees us that you won't commit another aggression like the one against Yugoslavia? What comes after the bombardment of Belgrade? Minsk?" These are just routine questions in the daily life of NATO's Information Office in Moscow, [i]writes Rolf Welberts[/i].
James Dobbins examines how NATO should work together with other international institutions in nation-building.
Greek foreign Minister Reuters
Does NATO have a role to play in Turkey's new stronger foreign policy outlook? Does the Turkish public see NATO as necessary? Here we ask Turkish journalists and analysts to describe how they feel NATO looks from a Turkish perspective.
Greek troops
What did it feel like to join NATO in 1952? Here we ask, among other experts, someone who was there. Vice-Admiral Vasilios Mitsakos recounts how Greece joining the young NATO Alliance meant spending more time with international counterparts. And how even babysitting duties drew countries together...
Turkish FM
What do young Greeks feel about NATO? Do they know - or care - what it is for? Here we ask three young Greek students how they see NATO's past, present and future.
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Poor Richard's Almanac, 1746
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