AAUW Prepares to Launch New Logo

AAUW underwent its first logo change in 1970, from an academic seal to a modern type treatment. More »

The first logo used by AAUW, then the American Collegiate Alumnae.
Christi Corbett with Melissa Harris-Perry
AAUW Convention »

AAUW Researcher

AAUW alum Melissa Harris-Perry chats about lack of girls in STEM with Christi Corbett. More »

February 11, 2013

AAUW Art Contest
Art Contest »

AAUW Art Contest voting has begun!

Members can vote in our art contest (again and again) through March 8. More »

February 8, 2013

Visiting the doctor
Public Policy and Advocacy »

A Work-Life Balance Milestone

Read about AAUW’s work to pass FMLA, which turns 20 this week. More »

February 5, 2013

Meet the Candidates
Member Center »

One Member, One Vote

Meet the candidates for the 2013‑15 AAUW Board of Directors. More »

January 25, 2013

Katie Miller

AAUW Honors
Katie Miller

The fierce activist against “don't ask, don't tell” named a NCCWSL Woman of Distinction. More »

January 28, 2013

AAUW Outlook Magazine
Publications »

Go Green with Outlook Magazine

Save trees and stamps by opting in to receive AAUW’s magazine digitally. More »

January 24, 2013

Stay up-to-date on news and information from AAUW.

All Member Survey

Complete the AAUW member survey by April 2 to help shape future programs and activities. More »

$tart $mart Workshops Promote Financial Literacy

Nearly 200 of the salary negotiation workshops will be offered on college campuses this year. More »

The Women Are Watching

AAUW's executive director talks presidential appointment diversity in this New York Times Letter to the Editor. More »

AAUW Supports Equal Pay Act and Title VII Lawsuit

The AAUW Legal Advocacy Fund will provide support to Virginia LeBlanc’s case against the Trustees of Indiana University. More »

After the Fiscal Cliff Deal

The bill that pulled us back from the "fiscal cliff" merely delayed the spending cuts—which means we still have work to do. More »

Take Action! Tell Congress
to Pass VAWA Now!

Make clear that passing the VAWA reauthorization should be at the top of their to-do list. More »

AAUW Funds Projects to Address Pay Gap

The campus-based projects will be guided by AAUW's report on student loan debt. More »

Persistent Pay Gap Affects Women Just One Year
Out of College

New report shows that women are paid only 82 cents to men's dollar. More »

Settlement in LAF-Supported Title IX Suit

Case paves way for fairer treatment of girls' sports in Indiana. More »

Call for Candidates

Apply by March 1 for appointment to our 2013–2015 Board of Directors. More »

Read AAUW Dialog, a blog commited to dialogue, information, and advocacy. Get up-to-date information about what's important to AAUW in 140 characters or less.

2013 Convention

Join us June 9–12 in New Orleans for the 2013 AAUW National Convention.

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Member Benefits

Save money on your next prescription refill! AAUW's RX:Cut benefit now available.

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Women's History

February 13, 1870

Esther Morris becomes the first female Justice of the Peace in the U.S.