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NIEHS Spotlight

Milgram posed with NTA officers and steering committee representatives. Pictured, from left, Anastasia Wise, Scott Auerbach, Ph.D., Rose Ramos, Ph.D., Milgram, Karina Rodriguez, Ph.D., Jennifer Adair, Ph.D., and Friederike Jayes, D.V.M., Ph.D. (Photo by Eddy Ball)

New NIH Training and Education Director Visits NIEHS

On July 30, NIEHS trainees and key administrators gathered in Rodbell Auditorium to meet Sharon Milgram, Ph.D., during her first visit to the Institute in her official capacity as the director of the newly reorganized NIH Office of Intramural Training and Education (OITE). The NIEHS Trainees Assembly (NTA) and NIEHS Office of Fellows Career Development hosted the workshop, which underscored the ongoing commitment by NTA, NIH and NIEHS administration to strive together for excellence in the Institute's training more

Advisory Panel Weighs in on Bisphenol A

In its first step toward drawing conclusions about the human health risks of Bisphenol A (BPA), the National Toxicology Program (NTP) has released the findings of its Center for the Evaluation of Risks to Human Reproduction (CERHR) Expert Panel Evaluation held August 6 - 8, 2007 in Alexandria, Va. The panel was composed of 12 independent scientists who reviewed more than 500 scientific studies on BPA to assess the potential reproductive and developmental hazards of the estrogen-like chemical, which is used in the manufacture of polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins. The panel's meeting was open to the more

Network Approaches to Investigating Environmental Influences on Human Disease

Network Approaches Symposium Highlights Systems Biology Research

NIEHS and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) co-sponsored a conference on August 16 in Rodbell Auditorium featuring talks by leading figures in the close-knit community of scientists working in basic, conceptual and translational research employing systems biology approaches. Titled "Network Approaches to Investigating Environmental Influences on Human Disease," the meeting was chaired by David Balshaw, Ph.D., program administrator in the Center for Risk and Integrated Sciences, a program in the Division of Extramural Research and Training (DERT) more

As the question-and-answer segment progressed, Simpson shared several humorous anecdotes about life down under with his audience.

Endocrinologist Lectures as Second Scientific Director Candidate

NIEHS continued its search for a Scientific Director on July 24 in Rodbell Auditorium with a lecture and question-and-answer session featuring Evan Simpson, Ph.D. Simpson, whose talk was titled "Sex, Fat and Cancer," is a professor of Biochemistry at Monash University, lab director of the Victorian Breast Cancer Consortium and head, Sex Hormone Biology, Prince Henry's more

Although he would set up a lab at NIEHS to pursue his research interests, Juliano speculated that he would have to give up one of his two lines of research if he is selected as Scientific Director. (Photo courtesy of Steve McCaw)

Cell Biologist Delivers Final Lecture in Scientific Director Series

A lecture by Rudy Juliano, Ph.D., on August 6 brought NIEHS Scientific Director Lecture Series to a close. Juliano spoke on "Integrin-Mediated Control of Cell Signaling Events" to a near capacity audience in Rodbell Auditorium. Following the lecture, he fielded questions from the audience about his management philosophy and his vision for the future of the Division of Intramural more

Mother hugging infant child

NIEHS and EPA Fund Innovative Autism Program

A new five-year federal grant totaling $7.5 million will allow the University Of California - Davis Center For Children's Environmental Health to expand a pilot program that will become the first prospective study to begin the study of autism in the early gestation and infancy of at-risk children. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and NIEHS, partners in the nation-wide Children's Environmental Health centers initiative, are jointly funding the program. The grant will be administered by Cindy Lawler, Ph.D., program administrator in the NIEHS Division of Extramural Research and more

Daniel Krewski, chairman of the Committee on Toxicity Testing and Assessment of Environmental Agents (Photo by Eddy Ball)

Committee Proposes Paradigm Shift in Toxicity Testing

During a visit to RTP on July 31, Daniel Krewski, Ph.D., spoke to an audience of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and NTP/NIEHS scientists gathered at the EPA Conference Center. His topic was a report released on June 12 by the National Research Council (NRC) titled "Toxicity Testing in the Twenty-first Century." Krewski chaired the EPA-sponsored study committee that wrote the more

Extramural Research

Extramural Papers of the Month

Intramural Research

Intramural Papers of the Month

Science Notebook

Karen Adelman, Ph.D.

Molecular Biologist Explores "Poised Polymerase" Phenomenon

On August 7, a standing-room-only audience filled the NIEHS Executive Conference Room for the monthly meeting of the Receptor Mechanism Discussion Group. The featured speaker was Karen Adelman, Ph.D., who gave a talk titled "Poised Polymerases: Sitting in the Starting Gates and Ready to Respond." Adelman's talk was hosted by Ken Korach, Ph.D., senior research biologist in the NIEHS Laboratory of Reproductive and Developmental more

Duke University Professor Redford Williams, M.D.

Duke Physician Discusses Gene-Environment Matrix in Stress Response

NIEHS welcomed Duke University Professor Redford Williams, M.D., to its Frontiers of Environmental Sciences Lecture Series on August 10 in Rodbell Auditorium. Redford, who is the director of the Behavioral Medicine Research Center at Duke, spoke on "Stressful Social Environments and Genes: Effects on Mental and Physical Well-Being." His talk was hosted by Liam O'Fallon, a program analyst in the Division of Extramural Research and more

At the beginning of the lecture, Olden joked about his dark shirt and tie. As a principal investigator, the director emeritus is more often seen in casual attire. (Photo courtesy of Steven McCaw)

Olden Calls for Accountability in Science Policy

The Frontiers in Environmental Sciences Lecture Series featured a talk by NIEHS Director Emeritus Ken Olden, Ph.D., on August 17 in Rodbell Auditorium. Olden argued for increased public involvement in a lecture titled "Science Policy Setting and Evaluation in the Federal Government." The host of the lecture was David A. Schwartz, more

Mouse graphic

Mouse Haplotype Map Published

Research on the DNA of 15 mouse strains commonly used in biomedical studies is expected to help scientists determine the genes related to susceptibility to environmental disease. The body of data is now publicly available in a catalog of genetic variants, which displays the data as a mouse haplotype map, a tool that separates chromosomes into many small segments, helping researchers find genes and genetic variations in mice that may affect health and disease. The haplotype map appearing online in the July 29th issue of Nature is the first published full descriptive analysis of the "Mouse Genome Resequencing and SNP Discovery Project" conducted by more

Distinguished Lecturer Susan Cole. (Photo courtesy of Queen's University)

Cancer Drug Researcher Is September Distinguished Lecturer

On September 11, NIEHS will welcome Susan Cole, Ph.D., as the first speaker in the 2007-2008 Distinguished Lecture Series. Cole, who is the Bracken Chair in Genetics and Molecular Medicine at Ontario's Queen's University, will speak on "The Complex Role of GSH in the Function of the MRP1 Drug and Organic Anion Transporter." Her lecture will be hosted by David Miller, Ph.D., senior investigator in the Laboratory of Pharmacology and more

Extramural Update - Clinical Trial Registration Requirements

Have you been asked to include your research protocol in Was your first response, "Not me, I'm not doing a clinical trial!" Because of new directions in environmental sciences research, when it comes to, the answer may not be what you more

Calendar of Upcoming Events

  • September 4 in Rall Executive Conference Room, 12:00-1:00 - Receptor Discussion Group lecture featuring Sheila Collins, Ph.D., speaking on "Catecholamines vs lipid-activated nuclear receptors - the yin/yang of regulating fat metabolism and mitochondrial biogenesis"
  • September 4 (Offsite Event) in 1102 Mary Ellen Jones Bldg. at UNC-CH, 4:00 - Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center Pharmacology Seminar Series with Nigel Mackman, Ph.D., giving a talk on "Modulation of LPS-induced coagulation and inflammation by the P13K-Akt pathway"
  • September 5 - 6 (Offsite Event) at the Sheraton Imperial Hotel, 8:30 - 5:00 and 8:30 - 1:00 - 2nd Annual Obesity and the Built Environment Grantee Meeting
  • September 6 (Offsite Event) in 147 Nanaline Duke Building at Duke University, 12:30 - Departments of Cell Biology, Molecular Genetics & Microbiology and Cell & Molecular Biology Thursday Series lecture on "A Tale of Two Pathogens: What can genome studies tell us about the differences in virulence between Candida albicans and Candida dubliniensis?" by Paul T. Magee, Ph.D.
  • September 11 in Rodbell, 11:00-12:00 - Distinguished Lecture Seminar Series with Susan Cole, Ph.D., discussing "The Complex Role of GSH in the Function of the MRP1 Drug and Organic Anion Transporter"
  • September 11 (Offsite Event) in 1102 Mary Ellen Jones Bldg. at UNC-CH, 4:00 - Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center Pharmacology Seminar Series with Gary L. Johnson, Ph.D., exploring "Function and Regulation of MAPK Signaling Networks"
  • September 11 (Offsite Event) in Bioinformatics Bldg - first floor auditorium at UNC-CH, 12:00 - Neurodevelopmental Disorders Research Center talk on "Zebrafish and Rat Model of Cognitive Impairment from Developmental Neurotoxicity" by Edward Levin, Ph.D.
  • September 12 in Rall F-193, 1:00-2:30 - Dale Ramsden, Ph.D., speaking on "Nonhomologous end joining and base excision repair: brothers from another mother"
  • September 12 (Offsite Event) at 103 Bryan Research Bldg at Duke University at 12:00 - Signal Transduction Colloquium lecture on "Tumor intrinsic and host-dependent mechanisms of oncogene addiction" by Dean Felsher, MD., Ph.D.
  • September 13 in Rall F-193, 1:00-2:00 - Laboratory of Structural Biology Seminar Series featuring Lee Pedersen, Ph.D., discussing "Application of Quantum Mechanics to the Vitamin K cycle or Several reasons to eat your greens"
  • September 14 in Rodbell, 9:00-10:00 - Frontiers of Environmental Sciences Seminar Series hosting Steven Wing, Ph.D., addressing the questions, "Whose Science? Whose Environmental Health?"
  • September 14 (Offsite Event) in the Medical Biomolecular Research Building ground floor auditorium, G202, at UNC-CH, 12:00 - Carolina Center for Genome Sciences Seminar Series lecture by Zhiping Weng, Ph.D., on "Computational Analysis of Transcriptional Regulation in the Human Genome"
  • September 18 (Offsite Event) in 1102 Mary Ellen Jones Bldg. at UNC-CH, 4:00 - Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center Pharmacology Seminar Series featuring a talk by Qisheng Zhang, Ph.D., titled "A Small Molecule Synergist of the Wnt/β-catenin Signaling Pathway"
  • September 19 (Offsite Event) in the Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, Plaza Conference Room at UNC-CH, 4:00 - Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center Seminar Series featuring Zefeng Wang, Ph.D., speaking on "Towards RNA Splicing Code - a systemic study of splicing regulation"
  • September 19 (Offsite Event) at 103 Bryan Research Bldg at Duke University at 12:00 - Signal Transduction Colloquium lecture on "Regulation of HSP90 chaperone dynamics by the post-translational modification acetylation" by Len Neckers, Ph.D.
  • September 20 (Offsite Event) in Kenan Conference Center. at UNC-CH, 8:30 - Lineberger Center Postdoc Day with poster session
  • September 21 in Rodbell C, 11:00-12:00 - Laboratory of Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology Seminar Series with Rita Shiang, Ph.D., speaking on "Mouse disease model for Treacher Collin Syndrome"
  • September 24 (Offsite Event) in G202 Medical Biomolecular Research Bldg at UNC-CH, 12:00 - Cell & Molecular Physiology Seminar by Kimberly Huber, Ph.D., on "Dendritic Protein Synthesis Regulation of Synaptic Plasticity and Development"
  • September 26 (Offsite Event) in 124 Taylor Hall at UNC-CH, 12:00 - Cell and Developmental Biology lecture on "Junctional Adhesion Molecule A and its role beyond tight junctions" by Ulhas Naik, Ph.D.
  • September 26 (Offsite Event) at 103 Bryan Research Bldg at Duke University at 12:00 - Signal Transduction Colloquium lecture on "WNKs, roles in ion transport and vesicular trafficking" by Melanie Cobb, Ph.D.
  • September 27 in Rall F-193, 1:00-5:00 - Lela Riley, Ph.D., discussing "The Science of MFIAs in Laboratory Animal Diagnostics"
  • September 27 (Offsite Event) in Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, Plaza Conference Room at UNC-CH, 3:30 - Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center Microbiology and Immunology Seminar with Mario Stevenson, Ph.D., exploring "Cellular factors in HIV-host cell interplay"
  • September 28 in Rodbell, 9:00-4:00 - Epigenetics Mapping Center Technical Assistance Workshop

View More Events: NIEHS Public Calendar

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