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NIEHS Spotlight

Richard Irwin, Ph.D.NTP Retreat Considers Program's Directions

The National Toxicology Program (NTP) held its two-day retreat at the North Carolina Biotechnology Center October 19-20.

men in hazmat gearEnvironmental Justice, Community Participation Grantees Annual Meeting

Rodbell Auditorium was filled to near capacity on October 26 as the Division of Extramural Research and Training (DERT) opened its annual meeting on Environmental Justice (EJ) and Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR).

NIEHS logoEnvironmental Justice Project Demonstrates How to Clean up New Orleans

Presenters in "Environmental Justice in the Wake of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita" used their recent hurricane response efforts to highlight the specific ways that Environmental

Joel Abromowitz Fourth Annual Science Awards Day

The NIEHS research community gathered in Rodbell on November 2 to recognize the outstanding achievements of its youngest members and to honor winners of the Early Award, Scientist of the Year and Mentor of the Year.

Joyce GoldsteinIntramural Scientist Named "Highly Cited Researcher"

As a measure of the quality of research, the number of times an author's work is cited is arguably more important than the number papers and books he or she may have published.

Inside The Institute

Anne Sassaman, Ph.D.NIEHS Bids Sassaman Farewell

The many friends and admirers of Anne Sassaman, Ph.D., at NIEHS and NIH celebrated her November 3 retirement with encomium, presents and fond reminiscences.

Marion Johnson-ThompsonNIEHS Athletes Winners in Annual CFC Biathlon

October 25 was sunny and brisk, the coldest day so far in 2006. However, the low temperatures didn't hamper the enthusiasm of the fifty-plus EPA and NIEHS employees gathered on the

popular NIEHS read-along story Sharon Finds the Environment bookcoverSharon Finds the Environment... in India

The popular NIEHS read-along story Sharon Finds the Environment will soon be charming readers in India. The story was published in hard cover in 2001 and won that year's NIH Plain Language Award for author Tom Hawkins.

Aaron J. W. Hsueh, Ph.D.Upcoming Distinguished Lecture

Aaron J. W. Hsueh, Ph.D., will present the next talk in the 2006-2007 NIEHS Distinguished Lectures series at 11:00 AM December 12 in Rodbell Conference Center.

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Science Notebook

Doug Green, Ph.D.St. Jude's Researcher Gives Falk Lecture

On November 14, immunologist Doug Green, Ph.D., became the twenty-second distinguished researcher to present a lecture in the Hans L. Falk Memorial Lecture Series.

Peter M. J. Burgers, Ph.D.LMG Speaker Peter Burgers on DNA Clamps

An enthusiastic audience of research fellows gathered in Rodbell on October 30 to hear Peter M. J. Burgers, Ph.D., deliver the second talk in the Laboratory of Molecular Genetics (LMG) Special Seminars Series.

Richard Irwin, Ph.D.NTP Scientists Help New Treatment Enter Clinical Trials

In a study published in the November issue of Human Gene Therapy, National Toxicology Program Chemist Richard Irwin, Ph.D., and Biologist Molly Vallant collaborated in a detailed toxicity and biodistribution analysis that

NIEHS logoNIEHS Researchers Produce Reference Work on Lymphoid Organs

A September special issue of the journal Toxicologic Pathology (34.5) holds a unique appeal for NIEHS researchers and provides a valuable reference source for toxicological studies.

NIEHS logoExtramural Researcher Shines at American Heart Association Meeting

NIEHS-funded research by Jesus Araujo, M.D., Ph.D., received a Basic Science Research Award at the annual American Heart Association Scientific Sessions poster competition held November 12 - 15 in Chicago.

NIEHS logoNIEHS Scientists at Fall GEMS Meeting

On October 26, the Genetics and Environmental Mutagenesis Society (GEMS) held its 24th Annual Fall Meeting on "Oxidative Stress and Damage" at the UNC Friday Center in Chapel Hill.

NIEHS logoDERT Papers of the Month


NIEHS logoDIR Papers of the Month