The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (N C C A M): Part of the National Institutes of Health

NIH…Turning Discovery Into Health®

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NIH Workshop on Nonpharmacologic Management of Back Pain

This 1-day workshop identified clinical research questions related to nonpharmacologic interventions to treat back pain. This information will help inform future research directions.

This workshop was organized in three sessions that featured presentations and discussions focusing on:

  1. The current understanding and complexity of chronic back pain
  2. Promising questions associated with testable hypotheses
  3. Relevant outcome measures
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. EDT
William H. Natcher Building, Conference Room D

Bethesda, MD

View the webcast here.

Workshop Agenda

Please contact Edward Culhane (; 301.594.3391) with questions about the workshop.
