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  1. Clean Water Enforcement Action Plan: On July 2, 2009, Administrator Lisa Jackson asked me, as the head of EPA’s ..
  2. Dredging Challenges Contribute to Spikes in Air and Water Monitoring: In 2009 dredging began in the Upper ..
  3. Las Vegas Recycler Recognized for being EVERGreen!: Last year, I got a call from Dr. Kim Cochran, EPA’s co..
  4. Green Your Way Back to School: As the end of summer approaches, I find myself not basking out in the sun, but pr..
  5. Un regreso a la escuela más verde: Ya se acerca el fin del verano y en vez de estar disfrutando el tiempo que me..
  6. Year of Science Question of the Month: How is climate change affecting the things you care about, and how do you..
  7. Science Wednesday: Science To Support Decision Making In A Changing Climate: Each week we write about the scienc..
  8. We’ve Come So Far, But Still Have So Far To Go: A few weeks ago, I took some time off for vacation. We traveled ..
  9. OSU BOLD – Day 3 – August 1: Day 3 – August 1, 2009 03:30 a.m. my alarm goes off. It didn’t take much to wake up..
  10. Question of the Week: How do you save water?: Water is a precious resource and can be conserved no matter where ..
  11. Pregunta de la Semana: ¿Cómo ahorra agua?: El agua es un recurso preciado y puede ser conservada independienteme..
  12. I Know That Data Is Here Somewhere…: I have to admit that after 15 years of working at EPA, I still have trouble..
  13. OSV BOLD:Day 1 - July 30th – Wrap Up: The sun set around 7:45, and my first shift began! Sporting a bright orang..
  14. BOLD Tweets Its Way Up the New England Coast: Hi there! Each day thousands of people are working at EPA to help ..
  15. Pharos Project Recognized for Taking Green Labeling to New Heights: Links on this page may exit EPA. I’m a..
  16. Green Books for Kids: The nation’s students are practically at the midpoint of their summer vacation. Judging fr..
  17. Libros infantiles con temas ambientales: Para la gran mayoría de los estudiantes a nivel nacional ya ha pasado l..
  18. Science Wednesday: The Changing Environment – What Does It All Mean?: Each week we write about the science behin..
  19. Paper or Plastic?: One day in my Global Environmental Issue’s class, a professor showed us a video on the floati..
  20. Field Trip Day for EPA Interns: One of the great things about being an intern at EPA is that I have plenty of op..