NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organisation


Monthly Press Conference by NATO Secretary General

Secretary General sees significant shift in security in Helmand

18 Mar. 2013

NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen gave an update on NATO’s Afghan mission and his recent visit to Helmand province during his monthly press conference held at NATO headquarters on Monday 18 March 2013.


Spain and NATO look to the future

15 Mar. 2013

Madrid - General Knud Bartels, Chairman of NATO's Military Committee, paid an official visit to Spain, where he discussed with the Spanish Chief of Defence, Admiral Fernando García Sánchez, NATO defence priorities post-2014, particularly Smart Defence, and the Connected Forces Initiative.

Secretary General's Blog

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NATO Review

Women: paying the price of conflict? 07 Mar. 2013 It is mainly men who wage war. And it is mainly women (and children) who suffer from it. These undeniable facts have led the international community to try to tackle some of the key issues leading to this situation: from fighting gender violence to promoting female role models. But, as this edition sets out, the case for more effort remains compelling. 
Women on the frontline 07 Mar. 2013 If you have ever doubted that women suffer most from conflict, this short video will show you some figures that may make you think again. 
Women's fight in pictures 07 Mar. 2013 Women's fight for better treatment starts early. From lack of education, to gender violence through to being responsible for the next generation, this photostory sets out some of the challenges the world's women face. 
Women in security: personal stories 07 Mar. 2013 We ask women how they got interested in security issues, whether they've been victims of stereotyping and what personal experiences have struck them. 
View from the top 07 Mar. 2013 Lena Olving is COO for defence and security company Saab. She has also been voted Sweden's most powerful businesswoman. What advice does she have for women who want to make it in security? 
Women in security: climbing a very long ladder 07 Mar. 2013 What's it like to be a young woman rising up the ranks of the security world? We asked Ioanna Zyga, who has worked at both NATO headquarters and the European Parliament about her experiences - and whether she sees it as still a male-dominated world. 
What's 2013 got in store? 25 Jan. 2013 We've added a new twist to our now traditional kick off to the year: instead of just asking for insights into what may happen, we're asking our invited experts to ruminate on what happened (or didn't) last year…. 
The Secretary General's Annual Report 2012 31 Jan. 2013 What lessons did NATO take from the events of 2012? And how will they influence its priorities for the future? Here we publish the NATO Secretary General’s annual report which provides an insight into both areas. 
Photostory: 2012 in pictures 25 Jan. 2013 2012 was a year that saw key developments in elections, conflicts, nuclear programmes and more. In this photostory, we illustrate some of the major events. 
Which issue do you feel will have a significant impact on security in 2013 and why? 25 Jan. 2013 NATO Review asked four experts in different parts of international affairs how they see 2013 panning out. Here we publish their answers, ranging from predictions for the Middle East to Asia. 
Which area surprised you most in 2012 security? 25 Jan. 2013 What were the surprises in international security in 2012 - and what can we learn from them? Here, four experts ranging from a former UN Commissioner to the head of security think tank outline what the lessons learned of 2012 were. 
Securing the Sahel: a role for NATO? 25 Jan. 2013 NATO has a well established partnership programme with several North African countries bordering the Sahel region of Africa. But as the region witnesses more high profile instability, could NATO play more of a role, asks Paul Pryce? 
The Arab Spring - what now? 19 Dec. 2012 Asked if the French revolution had been a success, Zhou Enlai (or apocryphally Ho Chi Minh) famously replied that it was too soon to say. So why the rush to evaluate the Arab Spring? What would success actually look like? And what do the changes mean for those who deal with the region, such as NATO? 
Pictures of the revolution 19 Dec. 2012 Sometimes words don't capture history in quite the way a picture can. Here, we present some of the most striking photos drawn from the Arab Spring uprisings - looking at their people, their struggles and ultimately their successes. 
Libya's 2011 revolution ... in 2 minutes 19 Dec. 2012 Two minutes outlining the fall of a regime that had stood for 42 years - a fall which took Libyan people from protest to conquest. 
Squaring the circle in the Arab uprisings 19 Dec. 2012 It was two years that in a small roundabout in Egypt, called ‘Liberation Square’, a few hundred people gathered to protest against the government of Hosni Mubarak. Dr H.A. Hellyer analyses how 18 days later, that square would be etched into modern world history by its original Arabic name: Tahrir.  
Food, Water and Energy 12 Oct. 2012 Those who thought that climate change, energy insecurity and food shortages were the things of faraway lands have had cause to think again recently. 
India’s nexus between resources, climate change - and stability 20 Nov. 2012 Few would predict that growing populations, decreasing resources and climate change will have an effect on security. But what could they be? And how will they affect heavily-populated areas of the world? Michael Kugelman looks at the potential changes for South Asia in general, and India in particular. 
Thought for food 27 Nov. 2012 Feeding the world is a Herculean task. And harnessing adequate water supplies is getting harder - especially as demand increases. This photostory shows some of the major obstacles to all the world's food reaching all the world's people. 
Food security: an unfashionable subject often taken for granted 12 Oct. 2012 Food insecurity still blights some areas of the world. But the main problem is not the overall amount of food. It is its correct distribution. Just changing this could save millions of lives and reduce conflict. 

nato in focus

NATO and Afghanistan

NATO’s primary objective in Afghanistan is to enable the Afghan authorities to provide effective security across the country and ensure that the country can never again be a safe haven for terrorists.

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The Connected Forces Initiative

After 2014, NATO is expected to shift its emphasis from operational engagement to operational preparedness.

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Smart Defence

In these times of austerity, each euro, dollar or pound sterling counts. Smart defence is a new way of thinking about generating the modern defence capabilities the Alliance needs for the coming decade and beyond.

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Women, peace and security

NATO and its partners are taking concerted action to support implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325, which was adopted in October 2000. UNSCR 1325 recognizes the disproportionate impact that war and conflicts have on women and children, and highlights the fact that women have been historically left out of peace processes and stabilization efforts.

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