

Audit Initiated of FAA’s Air Traffic Facility Realignment

January 31, 2011
Project ID: 11A3006A000


The Office of Inspector General plans to review the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) plans for consolidating the Nation's air traffic facilities, many of which are approaching the end of their useful lives.  We are conducting this review at the request of the former Ranking Members of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and House Subcommittee on Aviation, who stated that the current budgetary environment and FAA's efforts to develop the Next Generation Air Transportation System present the Agency with an opportunity to realign its network of facilities.  They asked that, along with FAA's plans, we specifically examine the cost drivers and technical challenges related to this effort.  Accordingly, our audit objectives are to assess: (1) FAA's current plans for realigning and consolidating its air traffic facilities; (2) FAA's process for evaluating the feasibility and cost effectiveness of these plans; and (3) the major cost, technical, and workforce challenges involved with realigning and consolidating air traffic facilities.
