Western PA District Export Council

District Export Council Overview

District Export Councils (DECs) are organizations of leaders from the local business community, appointed by successive U.S. Secretaries of Commerce whose knowledge of international business provides a source of professional advice for local firms.

Closely affiliated with the Commerce Department's U.S. Export Assistance Centers, the 58 DECs combine the energies of nearly 1,500 exporters and export service providers who support the U.S. Government's export promotion efforts throughout the country.

The Western PA District Export Executive Committee Members are: 

Chair: Gary Carver, President, Carver International
Vice Chair: Debra Steiner, Business Development Manager, Deugro (USA) Inc.
Treasurer: Leslie Dutka, President, Echo International
Executive Secretary: Lyn Doverspike, Director, U.S. Commercial Service

Want the latest on Pennsylvania Exports?   Read PA Global Compass!

The University of Pittsburgh's International Business Center (IBC), in cooperation with the U.S. Commercial Service Pittsburgh Office, and the Western PA DEC publishes a bi-annual newsletter. In addition to announcements and items of general export interest, each issue contains feature articles focused on local companies that have tapped international markets and competed internationally. To view the latest edition, please visit http://www.business.pitt.edu/ibc/business-practitioners/newsletter/

western pa dec