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Publication Cybercrime against Businesses, 2005

Ramona R. Rantala

September 17, 2008    NCJ 221943

Presents the nature and prevalence of computer security incidents among 7,818 businesses in 2005. This is the first report to provide data on monetary loss and system downtime resulting from cyber incidents. It examines details on types of offenders, reporting of incidents to law enforcement, reasons for not reporting incidents, types of systems affected, and the most common security vulnerabilities. The report also compares in-house security to outsourced security in terms of prevalence of cyber attacks. Appendix tables include industry-level findings.


  • Computer virus infections were the most prevalent cybercrime among businesses in 2005.
  • The 3,247 businesses that incurred monetary loss from cybercrime lost a total of $867 million.
  • Most businesses did not report cyber attacks to law enforcement authorities.

Part of the Cybercrime against Businesses Series

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National Computer Security Survey (NCSS)

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