U.S. Flag Official website of the Department of Homeland Security

Contact Us

See Exchanging Email with US-CERT for additional information. Review the Traffic Light Protocol FAQ for information about how US-CERT manages sensitive information.

Technical Comments or Questions

If the purpose of your communication is a cybersecurity incident report, vulnerability report, or any other technical question related to cybersecurity, contact the following group:

US-CERT Security Operations Center

Phone: +1 888-282-0870
Email: soc@us-cert.gov
PGP/GPG key: 0xBDE5AC10

Fingerprint: 3EC2 7B68 B072 B65C 9044 BE9C 07B7 E916 BDE5 AC10

Media Inquiries

US-CERT Public Affairs

Phone: +1 202-282-8010

General Questions or Suggestions

US-CERT Information Request

Phone: +1 703-235-5110
Email: info@us-cert.gov
PGP/GPG key: 0xE96C965B

Fingerprint: 47EC EBC1 F3BB DDFD FC25 FFAF 06AD 6EAB E96C 965B

Postal Address

Mailstop: 0635
245 Murray Lane SW Bldg 410
Washington, DC 20598

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