Keeping Pace With The 21st Century

“Education reform and our global competitiveness depend on all of us embracing innovative ideas and technologies,” said Deputy Secretary of Education Tony Miller earlier today at the Educational Innovation and Technology Think Tank at Harvard University. Miller highlighted the fact that millions of American jobs are unfilled because employers can’t find qualified applicants, and the number could rise if our students aren’t prepared to work with technology in the 21st Century workforce.

Increasing the number of Americans who are earning college degrees is going to take an education transformation that relies on technology innovation and new business models.  President Obama made this case during his State of the Union address by noting that “we need to win the future by out-innovating, out-educating, and out-building our global competition.”

Miller referenced the President’s call to win the future, and provided examples of how places of learning across the country are already using technology to save money, improve services, and connect teachers like never before.

Deputy Secretary Miller explained that the Department of Education, through initiatives like the National Education Technology Plan, is doing everything it can to embrace the transformative potential of technology and ensuring that educational environments offered to students keep pace with the 21st century.

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2 Responses to Keeping Pace With The 21st Century

  1. Kathy says:

    Poverty should never be an excuse for students not to succeed in education. A student living in poverty may need more time or different instructional strategies but should never be allowed to fail.

  2. TFT says:

    Don’t believe a word this administration says about education. they have shown themselves to be duplicitous, wrong, misinformed, and will be on the wrong side of history.

    Technology will do nothing to help the kids who suffer from the massive poverty in America–20% of American children live in poverty, and it’s rising. But you never hear Duncan or Obama mention it. Why not? It doesn’t fit in with the “crappy teacher” narrative.

    Please, stop the RTTT, NCLB, the high-stakes tests.

    Deal with poverty.