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There are two items this week:

This Week in IPEDS  September 26, 2012
  1. IPEDS Data Releases
  2. Call for Comments on CEDS Version 3 and Release of CEDS Connect

IPEDS Data Releases

The following data have now been released:

Additionally, these data are also available through the IPEDS Data Center (

As a reminder, the NCES data release procedures have recently changed, and IPEDS data will be released in the IPEDS Data Center in three stages: preliminary; provisional; and final. For additional details, please review the following announcement:

Call for Comments on CEDS Version 3 and Release of CEDS Connect

Version 3 COMMENTS DUE 9/28: The draft of the Version 3 Common Education Data Standards (CEDS) has been released for public comment. All are encouraged to review this draft of the standards and submit comments by September 28th via the CEDS website at

CEDS supports the development of a common vocabulary for P-20W (early learning through workforce). It is a collection of definitions and formats for the most commonly used P-20W education data elements. CEDS does not dictate how individual data systems collect, store, and report data. The Version 3 draft includes additions to the early learning, K12, and postsecondary elements, and expands CEDS into adult education and workforce as well as support for interoperability for the Race to the Top assessments.

CEDS CONNECT: The Common Education Data Standards (CEDS) has announced the release of CEDS Connect ( This new tool allows users to find and create "Connections" from data elements to practical applications across the P-20W (early learning through workforce) environment. Use Connect to find out how others in the field are using data elements to answer policy questions, calculate metrics and indicators, and report to the federal government, and share your own approaches to using data to meet these and other information needs. Connect is currently loaded with more than 25 Connections for users to explore, which have been derived from sources for education indicators such as the National Forum on Education Statistics and the SLDS community, as well as from researcher analysis.

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U.S. Department of Education