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What We Do

The Center for Safety Management Systems is a national resource for safety management expertise, addressing complex transportation safety issues in all modes of transportation. The information technology systems that we develop and the data analysis and modeling that we perform, directly contribute to operational safety improvements. These improvements, in turn, are key to a positive safety culture and a reduction in transportation-related injuries and lives lost.

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  • Safety enforcement and surveillance information systems development and deployment
  • Safety management decision support tools and analysis
  • Business process re-engineering to support safety improvements
  • Data quality improvement strategies and tactics
  • Tailored safety management system approaches for transportation organizations

Key Official

Dr. Stephen Popkin
Dr. Stephen Popkin
Director, Center for Safety Management Systems
Dr. Stephen Popkin is an industrial/organization psychologist with over 22 years specializing in human factors and operator fatigue. He is responsible for managing the human factors office as well as leading several national and international professional committees, and leads the DOT Safety Council implementation. More >>

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